Unite.AI https://www.unite.ai/ - AI News Wed, 01 Nov 2023 19:53:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.3.2 https://www.unite.ai/wp-content/uploads/2020/08/cropped-favicon512x512-transparent-32x32.png Unite.AI https://www.unite.ai/ 32 32 What is the Bletchley Declaration Signed by 28 Countries? https://www.unite.ai/what-is-the-bletchley-declaration-signed-by-28-countries/ Wed, 01 Nov 2023 19:53:52 +0000 https://www.unite.ai/?p=192036

In the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, ensuring safety and ethics takes center stage. The significance was highlighted today when 28 countries came together to sign the Bletchley Declaration during the AI Safety Summit 2023. This summit, held on the storied grounds of Bletchley Park, served as a historical backdrop to a modern-day endeavor aimed […]

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In the ever-evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, ensuring safety and ethics takes center stage. The significance was highlighted today when 28 countries came together to sign the Bletchley Declaration during the AI Safety Summit 2023. This summit, held on the storied grounds of Bletchley Park, served as a historical backdrop to a modern-day endeavor aimed at taming the frontiers of AI.

The venue, once the epicenter of cryptographic brilliance during World War II, witnessed nations uniting once again, but this time to navigate the intricacies of AI safety. The Bletchley Declaration signifies a collaborative effort among nations to establish a framework ensuring that AI technologies are developed and utilized responsibly and safely across the globe. With a rich tapestry of nations involved, the commitment to a safer AI future has never been more pronounced.

This joint venture underscores the importance of international cooperation in addressing the challenges and opportunities that AI presents in today's digital era. As we delve deeper into the Bletchley Declaration, we'll explore its key points, the implications for global AI safety standards, and the collaborative spirit that binds the 28 signatory countries in this noble endeavor.

Historical Significance

The choice of Bletchley Park as the venue for the AI Safety Summit 2023 and the signing of the Bletchley Declaration is laden with historical symbolism. During the grim days of World War II, Bletchley Park was the nexus of the United Kingdom's cryptographic endeavors, housing brilliant minds like Alan Turing. Their efforts in decrypting the Enigma code played a pivotal role in shortening the war and saving countless lives.

Today, the challenges posed by AI technologies to global safety and ethics resonate with the challenges faced by those early cryptanalysts. The Bletchley Declaration, signed on the same soil that once witnessed the birth of modern computing, emphasizes a return to collaborative intelligence to address the complex issues posed by AI.

The historical ambiance of Bletchley Park serves as a reminder of the power of collective human intellect to solve seemingly insurmountable challenges. It beckons the global community to come together once again, to ensure that the boon of AI does not become a bane.

Key Points of the Declaration

The Bletchley Declaration, emanating from the collective consensus of 28 countries, outlines a shared vision for fostering safety and ethical considerations in AI development and deployment. Here are the fundamental tenets encapsulated in the declaration:

  • International Cooperation: A robust emphasis is placed on fostering international cooperation to navigate the complex landscape of AI safety. The declaration underscores the necessity for a united front in addressing the challenges and leveraging the opportunities that AI presents on a global stage.
  • Safety Standards: The declaration advocates for the establishment and adherence to high safety standards in AI systems' design, development, and deployment. This includes a shared commitment to reducing risks associated with AI and ensuring that these technologies are developed with a safety-first approach.
  • Ethical AI: A strong moral compass guides the declaration, emphasizing the importance of ethical considerations in AI. This includes ensuring that AI technologies respect human rights, privacy, and democratic values, fostering a human-centric approach to AI.
  • Transparency and Accountability: The declaration also highlights the critical importance of transparency and accountability in AI systems. This is seen as a cornerstone for building public trust and understanding, essential for the successful integration of AI technologies into society.
  • Knowledge Sharing: Encouragement of knowledge sharing and collaborative research among nations is a key aspect of the declaration. This aims at accelerating the global understanding and mitigation of AI-related risks, promoting a culture of shared learning and continuous improvement in AI safety practices.

The Bletchley Declaration is a testament to the global community's resolve to ensure that the trajectory of AI evolution is aligned with the broader good of humanity. It sets a precedent for collaborative efforts in establishing a global framework for AI safety, ensuring that the benefits of AI are realized while mitigating the associated risks.

Implications for Global AI Safety Standards

The Bletchley Declaration emerges as a hallmark of international unity, poised to significantly shape global standards and practices around AI safety. Its broader implications unfurl a visionary roadmap that heralds a more standardized approach to AI safety across nations. Through the advocacy for elevated safety standards, it sets a precedent likely to harmonize AI safety regulations, nurturing a more globally uniform approach to managing AI risks.

In the heart of the declaration lies a shared commitment towards safety and ethics, instilling a robust impetus for nations to innovate in concocting safer AI technologies. This collaborative ethos is anticipated to fuel the development of novel safety protocols and technologies, thus pushing the boundaries of what's achievable in AI safety.

The declaration's staunch stance on transparency and accountability is set to play a crucial role in augmenting public awareness and engagement around AI safety issues. An informed public stands as a critical stakeholder in the responsible development and deployment of AI technologies, a fact that the Bletchley Declaration gracefully acknowledges.

Drawing from the essence of previous international agreements and discussions on AI safety, the Bletchley Declaration offers a more focused and actionable framework steering the global community towards a safer AI ecosystem. It doesn't just stop at safety but encapsulates ethical considerations in AI development and use, potentially serving as a global benchmark for ethical AI. This guides nations and organizations in aligning their AI initiatives with universally accepted ethical standards.

The reverberations of the Bletchley Declaration are expected to ripple across the global AI landscape, setting a tone of collaborative and safety-centric approach to AI. It emphatically underscores the essence of international cooperation in navigating the uncharted waters of AI, ensuring a collective stride towards a future where AI serves humanity safely and ethically.

Participating Countries and Their Roles

The Bletchley Declaration is a monumental stride, thanks to the collective commitment of 28 countries. Each nation brings a unique perspective, expertise, and capability to the table, fostering a rich collaborative environment. Here's a look at some of the key participants and their roles:

  • Leading Tech Nations: Countries with advanced tech ecosystems like the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Japan play crucial roles in steering the technical and ethical discussions around AI safety. Their experiences in AI development could serve as a blueprint for establishing global safety standards.
  • Emerging Tech Powers: Nations like India, China, and Brazil, with burgeoning tech industries, are crucial players. Their engagement is vital for ensuring that the safety standards and ethical guidelines are adaptable and relevant across different stages of AI adoption.
  • Policy Pioneers: Some countries have been at the forefront of policy development around AI. Their insights and experiences are invaluable in shaping a well-rounded and actionable framework for AI safety on a global scale.
  • Global Cooperation: The diversity of participating countries highlights the global nature of the AI safety endeavor. From North America to Asia, Europe to Africa, the wide geographic spread of signatories underscores a global consensus on the importance of AI safety.
  • Notable Absences: The absence of some nations in the declaration does raise questions and emphasizes the need for broader global engagement to ensure a comprehensive approach to AI safety.

The amalgam of diverse nations under the Bletchley Declaration reflects a global cognizance of the imperative for AI safety. It showcases a shared vision and a collective commitment to ensuring that AI technologies are harnessed responsibly and ethically.

Reactions and Commentary

The Bletchley Declaration has ushered in a wave of reactions from the tech community, governments, and advocacy groups. Here's an overview of the varied responses:

  • Tech Community: Many within the tech community have welcomed the declaration, viewing it as a positive step towards ensuring that AI evolves within a framework of safety and ethics. The emphasis on transparency, accountability, and international cooperation has been particularly appreciated.
  • Governmental Responses: Governments of the signatory countries have expressed optimism about the collective journey towards a safer AI landscape. However, the road ahead is acknowledged to be challenging, requiring sustained effort and collaboration.
  • Advocacy Groups: Human rights and digital advocacy groups have also weighed in, lauding the focus on ethical AI and the human-centric approach outlined in the declaration. Yet, some also call for more concrete action and a stronger commitment to ensuring that the principles outlined are adhered to in practice.
  • Critics and Concerns: While the declaration has been largely well-received, some critics argue that the real test will be in its implementation. Concerns have been raised about the enforcement of the standards outlined and the need for a more robust mechanism to ensure adherence.

The Bletchley Declaration has sparked a global conversation on AI safety, echoing the sentiments of many stakeholders about the need for a collaborative and concerted effort to navigate the AI landscape responsibly.

United Front: Steering Towards a Safer AI Horizon

The Bletchley Declaration symbolizes a pivotal moment in the narrative of AI safety and ethics. It reflects a global cognizance of the pressing need to ensure that AI technologies are developed and deployed responsibly. The collective commitment of 28 countries showcases a unified front, ready to tackle the challenges and harness the opportunities that AI presents.

The historical essence of Bletchley Park, coupled with the contemporary endeavor to ensure AI safety, creates a compelling narrative. It's a narrative that underscores the importance of international cooperation, ethical considerations, and a shared vision for a safer AI landscape.

The road ahead is undeniably challenging, laden with both technical and ethical quandaries. Yet, the Bletchley Declaration serves as a beacon of collective resolve, illuminating the path towards a future where AI is harnessed for the greater good of humanity.

You can read the declaration here.

The post What is the Bletchley Declaration Signed by 28 Countries? appeared first on Unite.AI.

ChatDev : Communicative Agents for Software Development https://www.unite.ai/chatdev-communicative-agents-for-software-development/ Wed, 01 Nov 2023 16:36:26 +0000 https://www.unite.ai/?p=191874

The software development industry is a domain that often relies on both consultation and intuition, characterized by intricate decision-making strategies. Furthermore, the development, maintenance, and operation of software require a disciplined and methodical approach. It's common for software developers to base decisions on intuition rather than consultation, depending on the complexity of the problem. In […]

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The software development industry is a domain that often relies on both consultation and intuition, characterized by intricate decision-making strategies. Furthermore, the development, maintenance, and operation of software require a disciplined and methodical approach. It's common for software developers to base decisions on intuition rather than consultation, depending on the complexity of the problem. In an effort to enhance the efficiency of software engineering, including the effectiveness of software and reduced development costs, scientists are exploring the use of deep-learning-based frameworks to tackle various tasks within the software development process. With recent developments and advancements in the deep learning and AI sectors, developers are seeking ways to transform software development processes and practices. They are doing this by using sophisticated designs implemented at different stages of the software development process.

Today, we're going to discuss ChatDev, a Large Language Model (LLM) based, innovative approach that aims to revolutionize the field of software development. This paradigm seeks to eliminate the need for specialized models during each phase of the development process. The ChatDev framework leverages the capabilities of LLM frameworks, utilizing natural language communication to unify and streamline key software development processes.

In this article, we will explore ChatDev, a virtual-powered company specializing in software development. ChatDev adopts the waterfall model and meticulously divides the software development process into four primary stages.

  1. Designing. 
  2. Coding. 
  3. Testing. 
  4. Documentation. 

Each of these stages deploys a team of virtual agents like code programmers or testers that collaborate with each other using dialogues that result in a seamless workflow. The chat chain works as a facilitator, and breaks down each stage of the development process into atomic subtasks, thus enabling dual roles, allowing for proposals and validation of solutions using context-aware communications that allows developers to effectively resolve the specified subtasks. 

ChatDev : AI Assisted Software Development

ChatDev’s instrumental analysis demonstrates that not only is the ChatDev framework extremely effective in completing the software development process, but it is extremely cost efficient as well as it completes the entire software development process in just under a dollar. Furthermore, the framework not only identifies, but also alleviates potential vulnerabilities, rectifies potential hallucinations, all while maintaining high efficiency, and cost-effectiveness. 

ChatDev : An Introduction to LLM-Powered Software Development

Traditionally, the software development industry is one that is built on the foundations of a disciplined, and methodical approach not only for developing the applications, but also for maintaining, and operating them. Traditionally speaking, a typical software development process is a highly intricate, complex, and time-taking meticulous process with long development cycles, as there are multiple roles involved in the development process including coordination within the organization, allocation of tasks, writing of code, testing, and finally, documentation. 

In the last few years, with the help of LLM or Large Language Models, the AI community has achieved significant milestones in the fields of computer vision, and natural language processing, and following training on “next word prediction” paradigms, Large Language Models have well demonstrated their ability to return efficient performance on a wide array of downstream tasks like machine translation, question answering, and code generation. 

Although Large Language Models can write code for the entire software, they have a major drawback : code hallucinations, which is quite similar to the hallucinations faced by natural language processing frameworks. Code hallucinations can include issues like undiscovered bugs, missing dependencies, and incomplete function implementations. There are two major causes of code hallucinations. 

  • Lack of Task Specification: When generating the software code in one single step, not defining the specific of the task confuses the LLMs as tasks in the software development process like analyzing user requirements, or selecting the preferred programming language often provide guided thinking, something that is missing from the high-level tasks handled by these LLMs. 
  • Lack of Cross Examination : Significant risks arrive when a cross examination is not performed especially during the decision making processes. 

ChatDev aims to solve these issues, and facilitate LLMs with the power to create state of the art, and effective software applications by creating a virtual-powered company for software development that establishes the waterfall model, and meticulously divides the software development process into four primary stages,

  1. Designing. 
  2. Coding. 
  3. Testing. 
  4. Documentation. 

Each of these stages deploys a team of virtual agents like code programmers or testers that collaborate with each other using dialogues that result in a seamless workflow. Furthermore, ChatDev makes use of a chat chain that works as a facilitator, and breaks down each stage of the development process into atomic subtasks, thus enabling dual roles, allowing for proposals and validation of solutions using context-aware communications that allows developers to effectively resolve the specified subtasks. The chat chain consists of several nodes where every individual node represents a specific subtask, and these two roles engage in multi-turn context-aware discussions to not only propose, but also validate the solutions. 

In this approach, the ChatDev framework first analyzes a client’s requirements, generates creative ideas, designs & implements prototype systems, identifies & addresses potential issues, creates appealing graphics, explains the debug information, and generates the user manuals. Finally, the ChatDev framework delivers the software to the user along with the source code, user manuals, and dependency environment specifications. 

ChatDev : Architecture and Working

Now that we have a brief introduction to ChatDev, let’s have a look at the architecture & working of the ChatDev framework starting with the Chat Chain. 

Chat Chain

As we have mentioned in the previous section, the ChatDev framework uses a waterfall method for software development that divides the software development process into four phases including designing, coding, testing, and documentation. Each of these phases have a unique role in the development process, and there is a need for effective communication between them, and there are potential challenges faced when identifying individuals to engage with, and determining the sequence of interactions. 

To address this issue, the ChatDev framework uses Chat Chain, a generalized architecture that breaks down each phase into a subatomic chat, with each of these phases focussing on task-oriented role playing that involves dual roles. The desired output for the chat forms a vital component for the target software, and it is achieved as a result of collaboration, and exchange of instructions between the agents participating in the development process. The chat chain paradigm for intermediate task-solving is illustrated in the image below. 

For every individual chat, an instructor first initiates the instructions, and then guides the dialogue towards the completion of the task, and in the meantime, the assistants follow the instructions laid by the instructor, provide ideal solutions, and engage in discussions about the feasibility of the solution. The instructor and the agent then engage in multi-turn dialogues until they arrive at a consensus, and they deem the task to be accomplished successfully. The chain chain provides users with a transparent view of the development process, sheds light on the path for making decisions, and offers opportunities for debugging the errors when they arise, that allows the end users to analyze & diagnose the errors, inspect intermediate outputs, and intervene in the process if deemed necessary. By incorporating a chat chain, the ChatDev framework is able to focus on each specific subtask on a granular scale that not only facilitates effective collaboration between the agents, but it also results in the quick attainment of the required outputs. 


In the design phase, the ChatDev framework requires an initial idea as an input from the human client, and there are three predefined roles in this stage. 

  1. CEO or Chief Executive Officer. 
  2. CPO or Chief Product Officer. 
  3. CTO or Chief Technical Officer. 

The chat chain then comes into play dividing the designing phase into sequential subatomic chatting tasks that includes the programming language(CTO and CEO), and the modality of the target software(CPO and CEO). The designing phase involves three key mechanisms: Role Assignment or Role Specialization, Memory Stream, and Self-Reflection. 

Role Assignment

Each agent in the Chat Dev framework is assigned a role using special messages or special prompts during the role-playing process. Unlike other conversational language models, the ChatDev framework restricts itself solely to initiating the role-playing scenarios between the agents. These prompts are used to assign roles to the agents prior to the dialogues. 

Initially, the instructor takes the responsibilities of the CEO, and engages in interactive planning whereas the responsibilities of the CPO are handled by the agent that executes tasks, and provides the required responses. The framework uses “inception prompting” for role specialization that allows the agents to fulfill their roles effectively. The assistant, and instructor prompts consist of vital details concerning the designated roles & tasks, termination criteria, communication protocols, and several constraints that aim to prevent undesirable behaviors like infinite loops, uninformative responses, and instruction redundancy. 

Memory Stream

The memory stream is a mechanism used by the ChatDev framework that maintains a comprehensive conversational record of the previous dialogue’s of an agent, and assists in the decision-making process that follows in an utterance-aware manner. The ChatDev framework uses prompts to establish the required communication protocols. For example, when the parties involved reach a consensus, an ending message that satisfies a specific formatting requirement like (<MODALITY>: Desktop Application”). To ensure compliance with the designated format, the framework continuously monitors, and finally allows the current dialogue to reach a conclusion. 

Self Reflection

Developers of the ChatDev framework have observed situations where both the parties involved had reached a mutual consensus, but the predefined communication protocols were not triggered. To tackle these issues, the ChatDev framework introduces a self-reflection mechanism that helps in the retrieval and extraction of memories. To implement the self-reflection mechanism, the ChatDev framework initiates a new & fresh chat by enlisting “pseudo self” as a new questioner. The “pseudo self” analyzes the previous dialogues & historical records, and informs the current assistant following which, it requests a summary of conclusive & action worthy information as demonstrated in the figure below. 

With the help of the self-help mechanism, the ChatDev assistant is encouraged to reflect & analyze the decisions it has proposed. 


There are three predefined roles in the coding phase namely the CTO, the programmer, and the art designer, As usual, the chat chain mechanism divides the coding phase into individual subatomic tasks like generating codes(programmer & CTO), or to devise a GUI or graphical user interface(programmer & designer). The CTO then instructs the programmer to use the markdown format to implement a software system following which the art designer proposes a user-friendly & interactive GUI that makes use of graphical icons to interact with users rather than relying on traditional text based commands. 

Code Management

The ChatDev framework uses object-oriented programming languages like Python, Java, and C++to handle complex software systems because the modularity of these programming languages enables the use of self-contained objects that not only aid in troubleshooting, but also with collaborative development, and also helps in removing redundancies by reusing the objects through the concept of inheritance. 

Thought Instructions

Traditional methods of question answering often lead to irrelevant information, or inaccuracies especially when generating code as providing naive instructions might lead to LLM hallucinations, and it might become a challenging issue. To tackle this issue, the ChatDev framework introduces the “thought instructions” mechanism that draws inspiration from chain-of-thought prompts. The “thought instructions” mechanism explicitly addresses individual problem-solving thoughts included in the instructions, similar to solving tasks in a sequential & organized manner. 


Writing an error-free code in the first attempt is challenging not only for LLMs, but also for human programmers, and rather than completely discarding the incorrect code, programmers analyze their code to identify the errors, and rectify them. The testing phase in the ChatDev framework is divided into three roles: programmer, tester, and reviewer. The testing process is further divided into two sequential subatomic tasks: Peer Review or Static Debugging (Reviewer, and Programmer), and System Testing or Dynamic Debugging (Programmer and Tester). Static debugging or Peer review analyzes the source code to identify errors whereas dynamic debugging or system testing verifies the execution of the software through various tests that are conducted using an interpreter by the programmer. Dynamic debugging focuses primarily on black-box testing to evaluate the applications. 


After the ChatDev framework is done with designing, coding, and testing phases, it employs four agents namely the CEO, CTO, CPO, and Programmer to generate the documentation for the software project. The ChatDev framework uses LLMs to leverage few-shot prompts with in-context examples to generate the documents. The CTO instructs the programmer to provide the instructions for configuration of environmental dependencies, and create a document like “dependency requirements.txt”. Simultaneously, the requirements and system design are communicated to the CPO by the CEO, to generate the user manual for the product. 


Software Statistics

To analyze the performance of the ChatDev framework, the team of developers ran a statistical analysis on the software applications generated by the framework on the basis of a few key metrics including consumed tokens, total dialogue turns, image assets, software files, version updates, and a few more, and the results are demonstrated in the table below. 

Duration Analysis

To examine ChatDev’s production time for software for different request prompts, the developers also conducted a duration analysis, and the difference in the development time for different prompts reflects the varying clarity & complexity of the tasks assigned, and the results are demonstrated in the figure below. 

Case Study

The following figure demonstrates ChatDev developing a Five in a Row or a Gomoku game. 

The leftmost figure demonstrates the basic software created by the framework without using any GUI. As it can be clearly seen, the application without any GUI offers limited interactivity, and users can play this game only though the command terminal. The next figure demonstrates a more visually appealing game created with the use of GUI, offers a better user experience, and an enhanced interactivity for an engaging gameplay environment that can be enjoyed much more by the users. The designer agent then creates additional graphics to further enhance the usability & aesthetics of the gameplay without affecting any functionality. However, if the human users are not satisfied with the image generated by the designer, they can replace the images after the ChatDev framework has completed the software. The flexibility offered by ChatDev framework to manually replace the images allows users to customize the applications as per their preferences for an enhanced interactivity & user experience without affecting the functionality of the software in any way. 

Final Thoughts

In this article, we have talked about ChatDev, an LLM or Large Language Model based innovative paradigm that aims to revolutionize the software development field by eliminating the requirement for specialized models during each phase of the development process. The ChatDev framework aims to leverage the abilities of the LLM frameworks by using natural language communication to unify & streamline key software development processes. The ChatDev framework uses the chat chain mechanism to break the software development process into sequential subatomic tasks, thus enabling granular focus, and promoting desired outputs for every subatomic task. 

The post ChatDev : Communicative Agents for Software Development appeared first on Unite.AI.

How AI Is Democratizing the Writing Process https://www.unite.ai/how-ai-is-democratizing-the-writing-process/ Wed, 01 Nov 2023 16:31:48 +0000 https://www.unite.ai/?p=191966

The digital age has been a double-edged sword for authors, positioned at the intersection of innovation and preservation. This paradox came to the forefront with the recent news about the unauthorized use of thousands of books for training Meta's AI language model. While this incident has given rise to legal battles and ignited public discussions, […]

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The digital age has been a double-edged sword for authors, positioned at the intersection of innovation and preservation. This paradox came to the forefront with the recent news about the unauthorized use of thousands of books for training Meta's AI language model. While this incident has given rise to legal battles and ignited public discussions, it has also stimulated profound debates about the concept of authorship and the broader impact of AI on our society.

Yet amidst the apprehension, Ian Bogost, presents  a refreshingly unconventional perspective in his recent The Atlantic piece. Bogost challenges the gravity we often attach to authorship by pointing out that all content holds a certain democratic equality, even though the literary world may prioritize published works over Amazon reviews or Subreddit posts.

This discussion unveils the intricate interplay between authors, technology, and the evolving concept of authorship in the digital era. However, this article aims to look at AI, not as a replacement for authors but as an enabler for those who don't see themselves as writers to ‘better express their thoughts, thereby expanding the pool of public conversation'.

Book authorship – a privilege for a select few?

Throughout history, book authorship has often been the privilege of the most fortunate individuals. In fact, until recent history, even owning books was considered a luxury. After all, even in the contemporary era, where the majority of individuals possess the capability to write and valuable knowledge worth sharing, becoming an author remains a privilege. It's not just a matter of skills and knowledge; it also entails another important currency: time. Besides, even those who possess the necessary resources confront considerable odds when striving to see their work in print. In fact, in the book publishing industry, it is widely accepted that the likelihood of an author getting their work published typically falls within the range of 1% to 2%.

For those who lack the time, writing skills, or resources to embark on the traditional path to authorship, AI offers a promising alternative. AI, in this context, is not a replacement for human authors but rather an enabler for those who have valuable knowledge to share but may struggle to articulate it in writing.  For example, many subject-matter experts want to impart their knowledge but lack writing skills or time. Typically, their only recourse would have been to hire a ghostwriter, which is a significant expense often reserved for a select few. AI technology helps bridge this gap by providing a cost-effective and accessible means for experts to transform their knowledge into well-structured written content, thereby fostering inclusivity in the content creation process.

The traditional barriers to becoming an author, such as the requirement of exceptional writing skills, available time, and access to ghostwriters, are no longer insurmountable obstacles. AI technology levels the playing field, allowing a broader spectrum of individuals to participate in the literary world. It brings a sense of democratization to the writing process, ensuring that it is not confined to a select few with the necessary resources.

AI – hero or villain?

Rather than being labeled as a hero or a villain, AI should be seen as a silent co-creator that helps bring ideas to life. AI is not just about generating content but also about making writing more accessible.

One of the significant benefits of AI in writing is its potential to facilitate the engagement of neurodiverse individuals in a wide range of workflows, including the creation of literary content. People with conditions such as ADHD, dyslexia, or autism often possess rich and valuable insights but may struggle with conventionally organizing their thoughts. In this case, AI takes on the role of a silent co-creator, effectively dismantling the barriers that neurodiverse individuals might encounter in the writing process. By aiding individuals in the transformation of their ideas into well-structured manuscripts, AI is providing opportunities for those who, despite their talent and knowledge, might face daunting challenges in their writing journeys.

By leveraging AI's capabilities, neurodiverse individuals can harness their unique insights and contribute to the literary landscape, challenging established norms and adding diversity to the voices and narratives found in literature. In this way, AI proves to be a powerful tool in making the world of writing more inclusive and allowing neurodiverse individuals to share their knowledge and experiences effectively. Therefore, AI should be appreciated for its capacity to assist, enable, and empower rather than feared for its potential to replace human authors.

Conclusion: The essence of storytelling remains unchanged

Ian Bogost's argument in his piece for The Atlantic raises important questions about how we define authorship in an era where technology, particularly AI, plays an increasingly significant role in content creation. If writing is an act of sharing knowledge and ideas, then AI should serve to advance this purpose by ensuring that the act of writing is accessible to everyone.

The democratization of writing through AI is not a threat to the essence of storytelling. Instead, it upholds the fundamental purpose of writing by ensuring that knowledge sharing and ideas are accessible to everyone. The digital age and the rise of AI should be viewed as tools that enhance the democratization of knowledge and facilitate the inclusion of a wide range of voices in the ever-evolving conversation of the written word.  As AI technology continues to advance, it becomes an essential partner for individuals who aspire to share their expertise, experiences, and ideas with the world.

The core purpose of writing and storytelling remains unaltered. AI catalyzes achieving this purpose by making the act of writing accessible to all. It does not seek to replace authors but rather to empower them and expand the boundaries of the writing landscape. As technology advances, more and more people from diverse backgrounds have the potential and the chance to share their insights with the world. The democratization of writing through AI ensures that the world of ideas remains open to all, regardless of an individual’s background, abilities, or resources.

The post How AI Is Democratizing the Writing Process appeared first on Unite.AI.

10 Best AI Email Generators (November 2023) https://www.unite.ai/best-ai-email-generators/ Tue, 31 Oct 2023 23:03:53 +0000 https://www.unite.ai/?p=192016

In an era where digital communication reigns supreme, AI email generators have become indispensable tools for professionals across various industries. These innovative platforms leverage artificial intelligence to craft compelling, personalized, and efficient email content, revolutionizing the way businesses and individuals communicate with their audience. The significance of AI in email generation extends beyond mere automation; […]

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In an era where digital communication reigns supreme, AI email generators have become indispensable tools for professionals across various industries. These innovative platforms leverage artificial intelligence to craft compelling, personalized, and efficient email content, revolutionizing the way businesses and individuals communicate with their audience. The significance of AI in email generation extends beyond mere automation; it encompasses a deep understanding of language nuances, audience preferences, and effective communication strategies.

AI email generators are not just about crafting quick responses or generating standard email templates; they represent a sophisticated blend of technology and creativity, aiming to enhance the effectiveness of digital communication. These tools are capable of adapting to different contexts, understanding the subtleties of human interaction, and providing insights that can significantly improve engagement rates. From marketing campaigns to customer service inquiries, AI email generators are redefining the landscape of email communication.

In this guide, we delve into the top AI email generators that stand out in the market today. Each tool will be thoroughly examined, highlighting its unique features, capabilities, and the specific needs it addresses. Whether you're a marketer seeking to optimize your email campaigns, a business owner looking to improve customer engagement, or anyone in between, this list is designed to provide valuable insights into the world of AI-driven email communication.

1. GetResponse AI

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The GetResponse AI Email Generator is at the forefront of email marketing innovation, incorporating the sophisticated GPT-3.5 technology. This tool is a game-changer for businesses and marketers struggling with creating compelling email content. It addresses the core challenges of email marketing, such as crafting engaging subject lines and generating content that resonates with specific audiences.

What makes the GetResponse AI Email Generator particularly noteworthy is its range of intelligent features. It offers AI-optimized subject lines that are designed to boost open rates by capturing the recipient's attention immediately. The generator also excels in creating industry-specific content, ensuring that each email is tailored to the unique trends and keywords of your business sector.

The tool simplifies the email creation process significantly. Users can define their email goals, choose an industry and tone, customize the layout, and then review and send their AI-crafted emails. This streamlined process is not only user-friendly but also highly efficient, saving valuable time and resources.

By leveraging the GetResponse AI Email Generator, businesses can harness the power of AI to enhance their email marketing strategies. This leads to not just time savings, but also the creation of more engaging, relevant, and effective email campaigns that resonate with the audience and drive conversions.

Key Features:

  • AI-Optimized Subject Lines: Leverage AI to create subject lines that increase open rates.
  • Industry-Specific Content Creation: Generate relevant and engaging emails based on industry trends and keywords.
  • User-Friendly Email Creation Process: Easily define goals, select industry and tone, and customize design to create complete email campaigns.
  • Resource Efficiency: Save time and enhance the quality of your emails with AI-powered content suggestions.

By integrating the GetResponse AI Email Generator into your marketing strategy, you can tap into the vast potential of AI to elevate your email campaigns, ensuring they are not only efficient but also highly effective in engaging your audience.

2. Copy AI

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Copy AI positions itself as a one-stop solution for a wide range of copywriting and sales requirements. It caters to various needs, from crafting compelling product descriptions and ads to creating engaging website copy and emails. This tool is particularly valuable for those who require a versatile and efficient solution for their email marketing campaigns.

What sets Copy AI apart is its array of features designed to refine and enhance writing. These include a sentence rephraser to rework content, a formatting tool to ensure clarity and readability, and a tone checker to align the message with the intended sentiment. The autocorrect feature is an added benefit, helping to eliminate common writing errors, thereby ensuring a professional finish to all written communications.

Key Features:

  • Versatile Writing Assistance: Offers tools for a wide array of copywriting needs.
  • Advanced Editing Features: Includes a sentence rephraser, formatting tool, and tone checker.
  • Autocorrect Functionality: Automatically fixes common mistakes in writing.
  • Professional Email Generator: Enables the creation of professional-looking emails quickly and efficiently.
  • Variety of Email Templates: Provides templates for different email types, including welcome emails, product descriptions, confirmations, and subscriptions.

Copy AI makes creating email pitches straightforward and efficient, integrating data from multiple sources and offering a range of templates. Its user-friendly interface allows users to input recipient details, subject, and message body, and the tool takes care of the rest, crafting professional and effective emails.

3. Jasper AI

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Jasper AI stands as an ideal solution for businesses seeking high-quality, original content at an accelerated pace. It boasts the capability to curate content five times faster than an average human copywriter, making it a valuable asset for businesses that require swift content generation.

Jasper AI's strengths lie in its array of pre-written templates, enabling the quick and easy generation of clever, well-crafted copy for various purposes including emails, ads, websites, listings, and blogs. This feature is key in engaging readers and maintaining their interest.

Key Features:

  • Rapid Content Generation: Produces content at a significantly faster rate than manual writing.
  • Pre-Written Templates: Offers a variety of templates for different content needs.
  • AI Email Generator: Creates realistic emails for various purposes, enhancing email marketing campaigns.
  • Automation in Email Marketing: Useful for automating business communication, customer support, and lead generation.
  • Versatility in Content Creation: Suitable for a wide range of applications beyond email marketing.

Jasper AI’s AI Email Generator is designed to assist businesses in automating their email marketing campaigns. It also serves well in customer support or lead generation, demonstrating Jasper AI’s versatility in meeting diverse content creation needs.

4. Writesonic

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Writesonic emerges as a comprehensive solution for quickly creating outstanding marketing content. It caters to a broad spectrum of business needs, ensuring that users have access to quick and efficient content-generation tools.

While the selection of email templates in Writesonic might be limited, they are effectively designed to cater to regular business, marketing, and sales emails. The platform offers specialized generators like a sales email generator, cold email generator, and email subject line generator, enhancing the impact of email campaigns.

Key Features:

  • Diverse Content Tools: Equipped for various marketing content needs.
  • Specialized Email Generators: Includes tools for sales, cold emails, and catchy subject lines.
  • Multi-Language Support: Offers content generation in 25 global languages.
  • Introductory Offer: Provides 2,500 free words for new users to explore its capabilities.
  • Flexible Billing and Quality Options: Features monthly and yearly plans with different content generation credits for varied content lengths.

Writesonic also makes it appealing for new users by offering 2,500 free words, allowing them to explore its diverse copywriting tools in any language. The platform’s flexibility in billing and quality options further enhances its appeal to a wide range of users.

5. Anyword

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Anyword is distinguished as the first AI-powered copywriting tool to introduce a Predictive Performance Score, a feature that evaluates the potential of AI-generated content to engage with audiences. This innovative approach adds a strategic layer to content creation, helping users gauge the effectiveness of their communications.

Alongside its unique performance scoring feature, Anyword also provides a variety of generators, including cold email, sales email, and content marketing tools. These facilities enable users to generate email copy that is not only compelling but also optimized for audience engagement.

Key Features:

  • Predictive Performance Score: Evaluates and predicts content engagement potential.
  • Diverse Email Generators: Includes tools for cold emails, sales emails, and more.
  • Content Marketing Tool: Assists in creating effective marketing content.
  • Multi-Language Generation: Capable of producing content in multiple languages.
  • AI-Powered Flexibility: Utilizes GPT-3 and other AI technologies for versatile content creation.

Anyword’s capacity to predict the engagement level of AI-generated content sets it apart, offering users valuable insights into the potential impact of their email campaigns.

6. Rytr

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Rytr AI stands out as a powerful tool for creating a variety of content, including ad copy and short-form pieces. While it currently lacks specific SEO features and third-party integrations, its strengths in content creation are undeniable. This tool is suited for those who need a versatile assistant for their writing needs, particularly in email marketing.

Rytr excels in offering options for various writing needs. It supports over 30 languages and provides more than 30 use cases and templates, along with formatting options and a plagiarism checker. For users requiring custom solutions, Rytr allows the creation of custom use cases, similar to its counterpart Jasper, offering flexibility and adaptability in content creation.

Key Features:

  • Multi-Language Support: Works across more than 30 languages.
  • Diverse Templates and Use Cases: Offers over 30 templates for different writing requirements.
  • Custom Use Case Creation: Allows for the development of tailored writing solutions.
  • Formatting Options and Plagiarism Checker: Ensures the originality and readability of content.
  • Effective Email Generation: Utilizes NLP and machine learning to produce personalized and effective emails.

Rytr’s email generation capabilities are bolstered by its natural language processing and machine learning technologies, enabling it to generate personalized and impactful emails based on user inputs. The availability of an email template library further aids users in quickly starting their email writing tasks, making Rytr a practical and efficient choice for diverse email marketing needs.

7. LongShot AI

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LongShot AI stands out in the AI email generator landscape with its smart integration with SemRush and a suite of advanced features. It's an invaluable tool for those aiming to enhance their email marketing with smarter, more impactful content. This tool is especially beneficial for content creators looking to improve the effectiveness of their email communications.

LongShot AI is notable for its wide range of functionalities. From generating creative blog ideas to crafting comprehensive summaries, it serves as a versatile tool in any content marketer's arsenal. Its emphasis on ease of use, factual accuracy, and high-quality content production makes it particularly appealing, ensuring the output is not only engaging but also credible and informative.

Key Features:

  • SemRush Integration: Provides data-driven insights to enhance writing capabilities.
  • Diverse Writing Tools: Offers a variety of features for different content creation needs.
  • Factual Accuracy: Ensures the reliability and trustworthiness of the content.
  • Email Generator with Machine Learning: Analyzes email content and suggests improvements using advanced machine learning techniques.
  • Natural Language Processing: Employs NLP to generate personalized, relevant emails automatically.

With LongShot AI, users gain access to a tool that not only streamlines content creation but also elevates the quality and effectiveness of their email marketing efforts. Its blend of smart technology and user-friendly design makes it a standout choice for creating impactful email communications.

8. Peppertype AI

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Peppertype AI emerges as a dynamic and versatile AI-powered tool, designed to cater to the diverse needs of content creators and brands. As part of PepperContent, a content marketplace, Peppertype AI is well-equipped to help scale content needs across various domains.

Built on OpenAI's GPT-3 model and enhanced with machine learning algorithms, Peppertype AI excels in generating a wide range of content, including blog posts, social media ads, Quora answers, product descriptions, and other website content. Its use of advanced AI technologies ensures the creation of compelling and engaging copy.

Key Features:

  • Based on GPT-3 Model: Utilizes the latest AI model for high-quality content generation.
  • Machine Learning Enhancement: Further refines content output with machine learning.
  • 33+ Copywriting Modules: Offers a broad range of options for diverse content needs.
  • Versatility in Content Types: Capable of generating various forms of digital content.
  • Focused on Engagement: Prioritizes the creation of engaging and compelling copy.

Peppertype AI's offering of over 33 copywriting modules demonstrates its commitment to providing a comprehensive suite of tools for content creators, making it a go-to solution for those seeking efficient and varied content production capabilities.

9. SmartWriter

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SmartWriter specializes in creating unique and personalized sales emails by leveraging a variety of publicly available data sources. It focuses on making each communication distinct and relevant, complete with personalized icebreakers and targeted content.

Primarily concentrating on email copy for cold outreach, SmartWriter offers a range of templates specifically designed for this purpose. These templates are crafted to help users make a lasting impression and establish a meaningful connection with their target audience.

Key Features:

  • Personalized Email Generation: Creates customized emails for each prospect.
  • Focused on Cold Outreach: Specializes in cold email content and LinkedIn outreach messages.
  • Data-Driven Personalization: Uses public data to tailor emails to individual recipients.
  • Integration with Outreach Platforms: Compatible with platforms like Lemlist, Reply, Mailshake, and Woodpecker.
  • Automated SEO Backlink Outreach: Assists in generating outreach content for SEO purposes.

SmartWriter's ability to generate personalized emails and integrate with popular outreach platforms makes it a powerful tool for those aiming to enhance their email marketing and outreach strategies with a personal touch.


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AISEO stands out as a versatile and user-friendly tool in the realm of AI email generators, particularly appealing to those seeking a cost-effective solution. As a free email generator, AISEO empowers users to craft personalized emails effortlessly, a crucial factor in increasing sales and expanding customer reach.

What makes AISEO particularly compelling is its broad range of options for email creation. Users have access to a variety of templates, each designed to cater to different purposes, from promotional to informational emails. This versatility ensures that no matter the objective, AISEO can facilitate the creation of an email that aligns with the user's goals.

Key Features:

  • Cost-Effective Solution: A free tool that offers efficient email generation capabilities.
  • Wide Range of Templates: Includes templates for various purposes, enhancing the relevance of each email.
  • Custom Email Creation: Allows users to craft emails tailored to specific needs.
  • User-Friendly Interface: Easy to navigate, making email creation straightforward and hassle-free.
  • Preview and Draft Management: Enables users to preview emails before sending and manage drafts effectively.

AISEO's user-friendly interface adds significant value, with features like email previewing before sending and efficient management of drafts. These functionalities not only streamline the email creation process but also ensure that each communication is refined and ready for the intended audience. For businesses and individuals looking for a free, efficient, and versatile email generator, AISEO offers an appealing solution that combines ease of use with the power of personalization.

Empowering Your Email Marketing with Cutting-Edge AI Tools

The landscape of email marketing is evolving rapidly, and AI-powered email generators are at the forefront of this transformation. As we've explored in this guide, each tool offers unique features and capabilities, catering to a wide array of content creation and marketing needs.

Whether you need to create content at scale, personalize your outreach, or evaluate the potential impact of your emails, these top AI email generators provide the solution. They not only save time and resources but also enhance the effectiveness and engagement of your email campaigns. By leveraging the power of AI, these tools ensure that your emails are not just sent but significantly resonate with your audience.

In an era where digital communication is key, equipping yourself with the right AI email generator can be a game-changer for your business or personal brand. As you navigate the choices, consider your specific needs, audience, and the unique features each platform offers. Embracing these AI advancements will undoubtedly elevate your email marketing strategy, helping you achieve better engagement, conversion, and ultimately, success in your digital communication efforts.

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A Closer Look at OpenAI’s DALL-E 3 https://www.unite.ai/a-closer-look-at-openais-dall-e-3/ Tue, 31 Oct 2023 15:15:43 +0000 https://www.unite.ai/?p=191855

In the Generative AI world, keeping up with the latest is the name of the game. And when it comes to generating images, Stable Diffusion and Midjourney were the platform everyone was talking about – until now. OpenAI, backed by the tech giant Microsoft, introduced DALL·E 3 on September 20th, 2023. DALL-E 3 isn't just […]

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In the Generative AI world, keeping up with the latest is the name of the game. And when it comes to generating images, Stable Diffusion and Midjourney were the platform everyone was talking about – until now.

OpenAI, backed by the tech giant Microsoft, introduced DALL·E 3 on September 20th, 2023.

DALL-E 3 isn't just about creating images; it's about bringing your ideas to life, just the way you imagined them. And the best part? It’s fast, like, really fast. You’ve got an idea, you feed it to DALL-E 3, and boom, your image is ready.

So, in this article, we’re going to dive deep into what DALL-E 3 is all about. We'll talk about how it works, what sets it apart from the rest, and why it might just be the tool you didn’t know you needed. Whether you’re a designer, an artist, or just someone with a lot of cool ideas, you’re going to want to stick around for this. Let’s get started.

What's new with DALL·E 3 is that it gets context much better than DALL·E 2. Earlier versions might have missed out on some specifics or ignored a few details here and there, but DALL·E 3 is on point. It picks up on the exact details of what you're asking for, giving you a picture that's closer to what you imagined.

The cool part? DALL·E 3 and ChatGPT are now integrated together. They work together to help refine your ideas. You shoot a concept, ChatGPT helps in fine-tuning the prompt, and DALL·E 3 brings it to life. If you're not a fan of the image, you can ask ChatGPT to tweak the prompt and get DALL·E 3 to try again. For a monthly charge of 20$, you get access to GPT-4, DALL·E 3, and many other cool features.

Microsoft’s Bing Chat got its hands on DALL·E 3 even before OpenAI’s ChatGPT did, and now it's not just the big enterprises but everyone who gets to play around with it for free. The integration into Bing Chat and Bing Image Creator makes it much easier to use for anyone.

The Rise of Diffusion Models

In last 3 years, vision AI has witnessed the rise of diffusion models, taking a significant leap forward, especially in image generation. Before diffusion models, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs) were the go-to technology for generating realistic images.



However, they had their share of challenges including the need for vast amounts of data and computational power, which often made them tricky to handle.

Enter diffusion models. They emerged as a more stable and efficient alternative to GANs. Unlike GANs, diffusion models operate by adding noise to data, obscuring it until only randomness remains. They then work backwards to reverse this process, reconstructing meaningful data from the noise. This process has proven to be effective and less resource-intensive, making diffusion models a hot topic in the AI community.

The real turning point came around 2020, with a series of innovative papers and the introduction of OpenAI’s CLIP technology, which significantly advanced diffusion models' capabilities. This made diffusion models exceptionally good at text-to-image synthesis, allowing them to generate realistic images from textual descriptions. These breakthrough were not just in image generation, but also in fields like music composition and biomedical research.

Today, diffusion models are not just a topic of academic interest but are being used in practical, real-world scenarios.

Generative Modeling and Self-Attention Layers: DALL-E 3

One of the critical advancements in this field has been the evolution of generative modeling, with sampling-based approaches like autoregressive generative modeling and diffusion processes leading the way. They have transformed text-to-image models, leading to drastic performance improvements. By breaking down image generation into discrete steps, these models have become more tractable and easier for neural networks to learn.

In parallel, the use of self-attention layers has played a crucial role. These layers, stacked together, have helped in generating images without the need for implicit spatial biases, a common issue with convolutions. This shift has allowed text-to-image models to scale and improve reliably, due to the well-understood scaling properties of transformers.

Challenges and Solutions in Image Generation

Despite these advancements, controllability in image generation remains a challenge. Issues such as prompt following, where the model might not adhere closely to the input text, have been prevalent. To address this, new approaches such as caption improvement have been proposed, aimed at enhancing the quality of text and image pairings in training datasets.

Caption Improvement: A Novel Approach

Caption improvement involves generating better-quality captions for images, which in turn helps in training more accurate text-to-image models. This is achieved through a robust image captioner that produces detailed and accurate descriptions of images. By training on these improved captions DALL-E 3 have been able to achieve remarkable results, closely resembling photographs and artworks produced by humans.

Training on Synthetic Data

The concept of training on synthetic data is not new. However, the unique contribution here is in the creation of a novel, descriptive image captioning system. The impact of using synthetic captions for training generative models has been substantial, leading to improvements in the model’s ability to follow prompts accurately.

Evaluating DALL-E 3

Through multiple evaluation and comparisons with previous models like DALL-E 2 and Stable Diffusion XL, DALL-E 3 has demonstrated superior performance, especially in tasks related to prompt following.

Comparison of text-to-image models on various evaluations

Comparison of text-to-image models on various evaluations

The use of automated evaluations and benchmarks has provided clear evidence of its capabilities, solidifying its position as a state-of-the-art text-to-image generator.

DALL-E 3 Prompts and Abilities

DALL-E 3 offers a more logical and refined approach to creating visuals. As you scroll through, you'll notice how DALL-E crafts each image, with blend of accuracy and imagination that resonates with the given prompt.

Unlike its predecessor, this upgraded version excels in arranging objects naturally within a scene and depicting human features accurately, down to the correct number of fingers on a hand. The enhancements extend to finer details and are now available at a higher resolution, ensuring a more realistic and professional output.

The text rendering capabilities have also seen substantial improvement. Where DALL-E previous versions produced gibberish text, DALL-E 3 can now generate legible and professionally styled lettering (sometimes), and even clean logos on occasion.

The model’s understanding of complex and nuanced image requests has been significantly enhanced. DALL-E 3 can now accurately follow detailed descriptions, even in scenarios with multiple elements and specific instructions, demonstrating its capability to produce coherent and well-composed images. Let's explore some prompts and the respective output we got:

Design the packaging for a line of organic teas. Include space for the product name and description.

DALL-E 3 images based on text prompts

DALL-E 3 images based on text prompts (Note that the left poster have wrong spelling)

Create a web banner advertising a summer sale on outdoor furniture. The image feature a beach setting with different pieces of outdoor furniture, and text announcing 'Huge Summer Savings!'

DALL-E 3 images based on text prompts

DALL-E 3 images based on text prompts

A vintage travel poster of Paris with bold and stylized text saying 'Visit Paris' at the bottom.

DALL-E 3 images based on text prompts

DALL-E 3 images based on text prompts (Note that both posters have wrong spellings)

A bustling scene of the Diwali festival in India, with families lighting lamps, fireworks in the sky, and traditional sweets and decorations.
DALL-E 3 images based on text prompts

DALL-E 3 images based on text prompts

A detailed marketplace in ancient Rome, with people in period-appropriate clothing, various goods for sale, and architecture of the time.
DALL-E 3 images based on text prompts

DALL-E 3 images based on text prompts

Generate an image of a famous historical figure, like Cleopatra or Leonardo da Vinci, placed in a contemporary setting, using modern technology like smartphones or laptops.
DALL-E 3 images based on text prompts

DALL-E 3 images based on text prompts

Limitations & Risk of DALL-E 3

OpenAI has taken significant steps to filter explicit content from DALL-E 3’s training data, aiming to reduce biases and improve the model’s output. This includes the application of specific filters for sensitive content categories and a revision of thresholds for broader filters. The mitigation stack also includes several layers of safeguards, such as refusal mechanisms in ChatGPT for sensitive topics, prompt input classifiers to prevent policy violations, blocklists for specific content categories, and transformations to ensure prompts align with guidelines.

Despite its advancements, DALL-E 3 has limitations in understanding spatial relationships, rendering long text accurately, and generating specific imagery. OpenAI acknowledges these challenges and is working on improvements for future versions.

The company is also working on ways to differentiate AI-generated images from those made by humans, reflecting their commitment to transparency and responsible AI use.



DALL-E 3, the latest version, will be available in phases starting with specific customer groups and later expanding to research labs and API services. However, a free public release date is not confirmed yet.

OpenAI is truly setting a new standard in the field of AI with DALL-E 3, seamlessly bridging complex technical capabilities and user-friendly interfaces. The integration of DALL-E 3 into widely used platforms like Bing reflects a shift from specialized applications to broader, more accessible forms of entertainment and utility.

The real game-changer in the coming years will likely be the balance between innovation and user empowerment. Companies that thrive will be those that not only push the boundaries of what AI can achieve, but also provide users with the autonomy and control they desire. OpenAI, with its commitment to ethical AI, is navigating this path carefully. The goal is clear: to create AI tools that are not just powerful, but also trustworthy and inclusive, ensuring that the benefits of AI are accessible to all.

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The Urgent Need for GenAI Skills in Project Management https://www.unite.ai/the-urgent-need-for-genai-skills-in-project-management/ Tue, 31 Oct 2023 14:59:43 +0000 https://www.unite.ai/?p=191798

Getting ahead of challenges, navigating disruption, and minimizing risks—they are all integral to today’s conversations about the future of generative AI (GenAI). They are also integral to the role that project management professionals have been performing for decades. Despite their daily familiarity with these issues, many project professionals may find themselves unprepared for how their […]

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Getting ahead of challenges, navigating disruption, and minimizing risks—they are all integral to today’s conversations about the future of generative AI (GenAI). They are also integral to the role that project management professionals have been performing for decades.

Despite their daily familiarity with these issues, many project professionals may find themselves unprepared for how their organizations will leverage GenAI or how it will affect their jobs specifically. While no one can predict all the ways GenAI will change corporate operations and processes, there’s no doubt that this emerging technology will augment the role of many knowledge workers, including project professionals.

GenAI have a significant impact on the anatomy of project work. Given the rapid pace of GenAI’s evolution and adoption, there is a growing sense of urgency for project professionals to build AI-related skillsets—to increase productivity, efficiency, and project success.

For project managers, GenAI can perform heavy lifting across various project activities including: automated report generation, timeline updates, data analysis, cost estimations, and more. Project professionals who can harness the power of AI will ultimately free their time to focus on higher-value tasks that drive project success. As a result, it should allow them to focus more on adding new business value, developing their leadership capabilities, and driving innovation for their organizations—aligned with the goals of the enterprise.

Research shows that organizations are significantly increasing their investment in AI this year. Project professionals who stay at the forefront of the progression of emerging technologies and help drive AI adoption within their organizations will best position themselves for career success.

Developing skills, becoming AI-ready

To tap into the wealth of advantages that AI can provide, project professionals will need to prioritize upskilling. PMI research shows that only about 20% of project managers report having extensive or good practical experience with AI tools and technologies. And 49% have little to no experience with or understanding of AI in the context of project management. This is staggering when compared to the fact that 82% of senior leaders say AI will have at least some impact on how projects are run at their organization over the next five years.

Using GenAI to automate, assist and augment your project management capabilities requires new skills and a new mindset towards project work. Project professionals can use GenAI to enhance their project skills across the three core areas of the PMI Talent Triangle®: Ways of Working, Power Skills and Business Acumen.

Ways of working. This dimension focuses on adopting the best approach, practices, techniques, and tools to manage projects successfully. With the widespread availability and potential of GenAI tools at both the individual and organizational level, it is important to take advantage of the improved results that GenAI can help project managers deliver.

Think “ways of working” as a chains of events and tasks to deliver a result, where generative AI can automate, assist, or augment project management skills and competencies. Specific areas where you can leverage GenAI in this space include: project planning, time and cost management, risk management, writing and reading assistance.

Project managers should also learn about the fundamental relationship between data and AI and become familiar with their organization’s data strategy and practices. By understanding how data feeds these tools, project managers will be better positioned to understand and evaluate AI outputs. Data literacy will also enable project managers to shape the tools and models that are specific to projects — those that predict project outcomes, risks, resources, etc. — so that they are delivering the most accurate predictions and analysis to drive decision-making. This knowledge will also help project managers identify and solve for the risks that the use of GenAI can potentially introduce to the business.

Power skills. Ensuring teams have strong interpersonal skills – which we call “power skills” – allows them to maintain influence with a variety of stakeholders. This is a critical component for making change and driving successful project outcomes.

Our Pulse of the Profession Survey has identified four critical power skills that are essential to helping organizations transform and deliver sustainable results: strategic thinking, problem solving, collaborative leadership, and communication. All these are human traits that to some degree can be augmented by AI. For example, project managers can contribute more strategically to their projects and organization by applying AI tools to different aspects of their businesses, industry, and market, to solve problems more effectively and quickly.

There are four key areas where you can leverage AI to enhance power skills:

  • To embed strategic thinking
  • Improve collaboration
  • Faster problem solving
  • Improved communication.

Power skills will become even more of a competitive advantage, making or breaking each and every project as AI productivity gains allow more time to be spent on human interaction. Our own research, as well as multiple small- and large-scale studies over the last two decades, consistently cite human factors among the top causes of project failure. Remember that algorithms cannot look anyone in the eye, speak truth to power, stay the ethical course or be accountable for their decisions. Project managers can do all these things and more including the ability to interact with humans, express empathy, adapt, create counterintuitive solutions, decide in ambiguity, negotiate, manage stakeholders, lead, and motivate. Project managers have skills that will never find their way into machines, no matter how smart the machines become.

Business acumen. Professionals with business acumen understand the macro and micro influences in their organization and industry and have the function-specific or domain-specific knowledge to make good decisions. Professionals at all levels need to be able to cultivate effective decision-making and understand how their projects align with the big picture of broader organizational strategy and global trends.

Imagine you want to have a better perspective on the risks at the corporate level of your project or program and the most likely scenarios you may encounter if some of the risks actually occur. AI can help you gain insights to prepare a comprehensive business risk analysis and impact evaluation because of project issues. This will prepare the organization with a recovery plan and to anticipate all mitigation actions before a major event happens and impacts the organization. Project managers can begin to leverage GenAI capabilities for scenario analysis, insights generation and innovation, assessment of business implications, and systems thinking decisions.

The use of AI tools will enhance business acumen in two ways. First, by handling time-consuming, mundane tasks, it will free project managers to spend more time focusing on intraorganizational influences, objectives and relationships. Second, GenAI can augment project managers’ abilities to see the strategic implications of their work, enable them to practice and frame their conversations with high-level stakeholders and make better decisions about their projects. The very presence of these tools may also change the types of business acumen that project managers need to deeply understand, versus those that can be accessed by the tools.

For example, generative AI makes it much easier for any project manager to look at a situation through the eyes of an industry expert (through a prompt). So, like individual phone numbers, general industry knowledge may be less important to retain in the human brain. However, the details of the organization’s competitive advantage, potential leverage from data that exists in the ecosystem, or new data generated by your project – will be something to understand in detail.[1]

Functional operations are becoming more automated and transparent as well. These common software-as-a-service (SaaS) enabled processes are also well defined in general data sets. Again, here, the business acumen that will set you apart has more to do with what is different about the way your organization operates. What makes it special, more efficient, more effective? This level of understanding will help you not only firmly connect to the strategy with your project but allow you to ensure that all of the project-to-organization connections are in place to truly achieve results.

Are you ready to upskill?

Knowledge is a critical element to empowering professionals in their AI journeys. You can tap into specialized training for project managers that will help you navigate this new GenAI-enabled project landscape. Project Management Institute (PMI) recently released a free introductory e-learning course to help combat AI adoption anxiety and fill the knowledge gap among project professionals. It includes relevant use cases and advice on how to use GenAI specifically to deliver projects.

It’s clear that AI is going to enhance the way projects are delivered, transforming the role of project managers into project leaders. There will be new challenges and risks ahead, but by adopting an AI mindset and remaining curious about GenAI’s potential, project professionals will be prepared to deliver successful project outcomes. Continuous learning is the key to navigating the AI revolution and elevating the role that project professionals play across industries.

[1] Edelman, D.C., Abraham, M. (2023, April 12). Generative AI will change your business. Here’s how to adapt. Harvard Business Review. Available at: https://hbr.org/2023/04/generative-ai-will-change-your-business-heres-how-to-adapt

The post The Urgent Need for GenAI Skills in Project Management appeared first on Unite.AI.

Unpacking President Biden’s Landmark AI Executive Order https://www.unite.ai/unpacking-president-bidens-landmark-ai-executive-order/ Tue, 31 Oct 2023 00:04:41 +0000 https://www.unite.ai/?p=191983

In an era where artificial intelligence is reshaping the global technological landscape, the United States aims to solidify its leadership through a comprehensive Executive Order issued by President Biden. This long-anticipated move comes at a critical juncture, as nations worldwide race to harness the promise of AI while mitigating inherent risks. The order, broad in […]

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In an era where artificial intelligence is reshaping the global technological landscape, the United States aims to solidify its leadership through a comprehensive Executive Order issued by President Biden. This long-anticipated move comes at a critical juncture, as nations worldwide race to harness the promise of AI while mitigating inherent risks. The order, broad in its scope, touches on various facets, from intellectual property rights to privacy enhancements, all geared towards ensuring a balanced and forward-thinking approach to AI development and deployment.

At the core of this directive is the overarching aim of not only ensuring the U.S.’s forefront position in AI but also safeguarding the privacy and civil liberties of individuals. Furthermore, it addresses labor and immigration concerns, recognizing the multi-dimensional impact of AI on the societal fabric.

Patent and Copyright Protections

In a bid to foster innovation while ensuring legal clarity, the executive order has laid down specific directions to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) regarding AI patents. The office is directed to publish guidance for both patent examiners and applicants on how to address the use of artificial intelligence. This step is expected to streamline the patenting process, ensuring that innovators have a clear pathway towards protecting their AI-driven inventions.

Furthermore, the realm of copyright in the age of AI presents a complex narrative. The executive order calls on the head of the U.S. Copyright Office along with the PTO director to recommend additional executive actions that could address issues surrounding copyright protections for AI-generated work. Additionally, it delves into the use of copyrighted work to train AI algorithms, an area that necessitates clear legal frameworks to foster growth and ensure fairness.

Privacy Enhancements and Data Protection

With the exponential growth in data generation and collection, safeguarding privacy has never been more crucial. The executive order encourages federal agencies to adopt high-end privacy-enhancing technology to protect the data they collect. This directive underscores the significance of privacy not just as a right but as a cornerstone for trust in AI applications.

Moreover, the National Science Foundation (NSF) is tasked with funding a new research network focused on developing, advancing, and deploying privacy technology for federal agency use. By bolstering research and development in privacy-centric technologies, the order envisages a robust framework where data protection and AI innovation can thrive in tandem.

AI in the Workplace

As AI continues to permeate various sectors, its implications on the workforce are undeniable. One of the core concerns highlighted in the executive order is the potential for undue worker surveillance through AI technologies. The ethical ramifications of intrusive monitoring could not only erode trust but also foster a detrimental work environment. Addressing this, the order underscores that the deployment of AI should not encourage excessive surveillance on employees.

Moreover, the order sends a clear message about placing worker and labor-union concerns at the center of AI-related policies. It outlines directives for a thorough evaluation and guidance on AI's impact on labor and employment. Tasked with this are the Council of Economic Advisors and the Labor Department, which are to draft reports on the labor-market effects of AI and evaluate the ability of federal agencies to aid workers whose jobs might be disrupted by AI technology. The inclusive stance aims to ensure that as AI technologies evolve, the rights and well-being of the workforce remain a priority.

Immigration Reforms for AI Expertise

The quest for AI supremacy is as much a battle for talent as it is for technological advancement. Recognizing this, the executive order lays down directives aimed at enhancing the ability of immigrants with AI expertise to contribute to the U.S. AI sector. This includes a comprehensive review and streamlining of visa applications and appointments for immigrants planning to work on AI or other critical technologies.

Furthermore, the order envisages the U.S. as a prime destination for global tech talent. It directs pertinent agencies to create an overseas campaign promoting the U.S. as an attractive destination for foreigners with science or technology expertise to study, research, or work on AI and other emerging technologies. By fostering a conducive environment for global talent to thrive, the order not only aims to boost the U.S.'s AI sector but also to contribute to the global collaborative ethos necessary for responsible AI development and deployment.

Boosting Semiconductor Industry

The semiconductor industry forms the backbone of AI development, providing the essential hardware that drives AI algorithms. Recognizing the critical role of this sector, the executive order lays down measures to bolster the semiconductor industry, particularly focusing on promoting competition and nurturing smaller players in the ecosystem.

To foster a competitive landscape, the order pushes the Commerce Department to ensure that smaller chip companies are included in the National Semiconductor Technology Center, a new research consortium. This initiative is set to receive a substantial portion of the $11 billion in R&D subsidies earmarked under last year’s CHIPS and Science Act. Additionally, the order directs the creation of mentorship programs to increase participation in the chip industry, alongside boosting resources for smaller players through funding for physical assets and greater access to datasets and workforce development programs. These measures are envisioned to create a thriving and competitive semiconductor sector, crucial for the U.S.'s ambitions in the AI domain.

Education, Housing, and Telecom Initiatives

The executive order extends its reach to various other sectors, reflecting the pervasive impact of AI. In the realm of education, it directs the Department of Education to create an “AI toolkit” for education leaders. This toolkit is intended to assist in implementing recommendations for using artificial intelligence in the classroom, thereby harnessing AI’s potential to enrich the educational experience.

In housing, the order addresses the risks of AI discrimination, directing agencies to issue guidance on fair-lending and housing laws to prevent discriminatory outcomes through AI in digital advertisements for credit and housing. Moreover, it seeks to explore the use of AI in tenant screening systems and its potential implications.

The telecom sector too isn’t untouched, with directives encouraging the Federal Communications Commission to delve into how AI may bolster telecom network resiliency and spectrum efficiency. This includes exploring AI’s role in combating unwanted robocalls and robotexts, and its potential to shape the rollout of 5G and future 6G technology. The aim is to leverage AI in enhancing communication networks, a critical infrastructure in today’s digitally connected world.

A Balanced Trajectory

As we delve into the various directives and initiatives outlined in President Biden's executive order, it's evident that the endeavor is not merely about technological advancement but about crafting a balanced trajectory for the AI odyssey. The comprehensive approach touches on critical areas from fostering innovation and protecting intellectual property to ensuring ethical practices in AI deployment across different sectors.

The attention to nurturing talent both domestically and from abroad underscores the recognition that human expertise is at the core of AI innovation. Moreover, the emphasis on privacy and data protection reflects a forward-thinking stance on the part of the administration, acknowledging the critical importance of trust and ethics in AI’s widespread adoption.

Furthermore, the initiatives aimed at boosting the semiconductor industry and leveraging AI in education, housing, and telecom sectors showcase a holistic understanding of AI's pervasive impact. By creating a conducive ecosystem for AI innovation while ensuring the protection of rights and values, the executive order sets a robust framework for the U.S. to lead in the global AI arena.

The executive order by President Biden encapsulates a multi-dimensional strategy, addressing the technological, ethical, and societal facets of AI. As the nation steps into the future, the balanced approach aims not only to seize the technological promise of AI but also to navigate the nuanced challenges, ensuring a beneficial and harmonious AI landscape for all.

You can find the full executive order here.

The post Unpacking President Biden’s Landmark AI Executive Order appeared first on Unite.AI.

Scott Stevenson, Co-Founder & CEO of Spellbook – Interview Series https://www.unite.ai/scott-stevenson-co-founder-ceo-of-spellbook-interview-series/ Mon, 30 Oct 2023 17:44:54 +0000 https://www.unite.ai/?p=191784

Scott Stevenson, is Co-Founder & CEO of Spellbook, a tool to automate legal work that is built on OpenAI's GPT-4 and other large language models (LLMs). It has been trained on a massive dataset of 42 terabytes of text from the Internet as a whole, contracts, books and Wikipedia. Spellbook is further tuning the model […]

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Scott Stevenson, is Co-Founder & CEO of Spellbook, a tool to automate legal work that is built on OpenAI's GPT-4 and other large language models (LLMs). It has been trained on a massive dataset of 42 terabytes of text from the Internet as a whole, contracts, books and Wikipedia. Spellbook is further tuning the model using proprietary legal datasets.

What initially attracted you to computer engineering?

I loved video games as a kid, and was inspired to learn how to make them as a teen–that set me on the course of becoming a software engineer. I'm drawn to the profession's inherent creativity and also appreciate the hardware aspect intertwined in computer engineering.

Can you discuss how your experience with GitHub Copilot was the initial inspiration for Spellbook?

We had been working with lawyers for years, trying to help them automate the drafting of routine contracts using advanced templates. They would often say the same thing: “templates are great, but my work is too bespoke for them.” 

GitHub Copilot was the first generative AI assistant for software engineers–you can start writing code and it will “think ahead” of you, suggesting large chunks of code that you might want to write next. We immediately saw how this could help lawyers draft bespoke agreements, while also helping them intelligently “auto-complete” contracts.

How does Spellbook suggest language for legal contracts?

In the first version of our product, we offered a sophisticated auto-complete feature, similar to Github Copilot. Now we have a number of other mechanisms:

  1. Spellbook Reviews can take an instruction like “aggressively negotiate this agreement for my client” and suggest changes across an entire agreement.
  2. Spellbook Insights automatically finds risks and suggested clauses across an agreement.

Spellbook also reviews contracts, what type of insight does it offer legal professionals?

Spellbook offers a variety of insights during contract reviews for legal professionals. These insights can be tailored using different “Lenses.” We provide default lenses for tasks like contract negotiations, but lawyers can also provide custom instructions, such as “Review this contract to ensure it complies with California customer requirements.”

Spellbook can uncover potential risks, identify oversights, pinpoint inconsistencies, and receive valuable suggestions for improving and enhancing contracts.

Can you describe how Spellbook overcomes the token size limits that are offered by LLMs?

This is a significant part of what sets us apart and constitutes our unique approach. Managing lengthy contracts that can be more than hundreds of pages can put a strain on an attorney’s bandwidth, but Spellbook’s technology excels in handling them efficiently. While we won't delve into the specifics of our methods at the moment, this is where our expertise truly shines.

How is the data sourced to train the AI models?

We have availed of public datasets like EDGAR, as well as proprietary contract data sets we built during our company’s first phase at www.rallylegal.com. However, we think that RAG-based approaches are the best way to incorporate accurate legal data into generated text. RAG allows many data sources, such as a client’s own documents, to be referenced.

Laws and regulations change rapidly, how does the AI keep current with the latest news and developments?

We are finding that retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) approaches are extremely effective for this. We think of language models more as a “human reasoning” technology. We generally shouldn’t treat LLMs as “databases”, and instead allow them to retrieve reliable information from trusted sources.

How does Spellbook mitigate or reduce AI hallucinations?

We have relentlessly tuned every feature in Spellbook to provide the best results for lawyers. As mentioned above, RAG also helps keep results relevant and up-to-date. Lastly, our approach to AI is called “Assistive AI”: we always keep the lawyer in the driver’s seat, and they need to review any suggestions before they are acted upon. This is central to everything we do.

At the moment contract drafting and review is the primary use case, what are some additional use cases that Spellbook plans on offering?

We are quite focused on being the best tool for commercial/contracting lawyers right now. One natural extension of that is helping lawyers with legal diligence during a complex transaction. Often law firms will put together a deal room containing every substantial legal document in an organization, reviewing for risks and discrepancies across the corpus. Spellbook is working towards implementing this use case!

What is your vision for the future of AI in the legal profession?

Our “Assistive AI” vision is for every lawyer to have an “electric bicycle” which helps them do their job much faster while producing higher quality work and spending more time on adding strategic value to clients rather than copying and pasting. We think AI should come to lawyers and be a “wind at their back” without requiring much habit change. We think every lawyer will soon have an AI switched “on” during every hour of their work, whether they are in Word, emailing or in a client meeting.

This ultimately means that the 70% of potential legal clients, who cannot afford legal services, will finally be able to be serviced. We’re really excited about that too.

Thank you for the great interview, readers who wish to learn more should visit Spellbook.

The post Scott Stevenson, Co-Founder & CEO of Spellbook – Interview Series appeared first on Unite.AI.

EasyPhoto: Your Personal AI Photo Generator https://www.unite.ai/easyphoto-your-personal-ai-photo-generator/ Mon, 30 Oct 2023 17:15:33 +0000 https://www.unite.ai/?p=191903

Stable Diffusion Web User Interface, or SD-WebUI, is a comprehensive project for Stable Diffusion models that utilizes the Gradio library to provide a browser interface. Today, we're going to talk about EasyPhoto, an innovative WebUI plugin enabling end users to generate AI portraits and images. The EasyPhoto WebUI plugin creates AI portraits using various templates, […]

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Stable Diffusion Web User Interface, or SD-WebUI, is a comprehensive project for Stable Diffusion models that utilizes the Gradio library to provide a browser interface. Today, we're going to talk about EasyPhoto, an innovative WebUI plugin enabling end users to generate AI portraits and images. The EasyPhoto WebUI plugin creates AI portraits using various templates, supporting different photo styles and multiple modifications. Additionally, to enhance EasyPhoto’s capabilities further, users can generate images using the SDXL model for more satisfactory, accurate, and diverse results. Let's begin.

An Introduction to EasyPhoto and Stable Diffusion

The Stable Diffusion framework is a popular and robust diffusion-based generation framework used by developers to generate realistic images based on input text descriptions. Thanks to its capabilities, the Stable Diffusion framework boasts a wide range of applications, including image outpainting, image inpainting, and image-to-image translation. The Stable Diffusion Web UI, or SD-WebUI, stands out as one of the most popular and well-known applications of this framework. It features a browser interface built on the Gradio library, providing an interactive and user-friendly interface for Stable Diffusion models. To further enhance control and usability in image generation, SD-WebUI integrates numerous Stable Diffusion applications.

Owing to the convenience offered by the SD-WebUI framework, the developers of the EasyPhoto framework decided to create it as a web plugin rather than a full-fledged application. In contrast to existing methods that often suffer from identity loss or introduce unrealistic features into images, the EasyPhoto framework leverages the image-to-image capabilities of the Stable Diffusion models to produce accurate and realistic images. Users can easily install the EasyPhoto framework as an extension within the WebUI, enhancing user-friendliness and accessibility to a broader range of users. The EasyPhoto framework allows users to generate identity-guided, high-quality, and realistic AI portraits that closely resemble the input identity.

First, the EasyPhoto framework asks users to create their digital doppelganger by uploading a few images to train a face LoRA or Low-Rank Adaptation model online. The LoRA framework quickly fine-tunes the diffusion models by making use of low-rank adaptation technology. This process allows the based model to understand the ID information of specific users. The trained models are then merged & integrated into the baseline Stable Diffusion model for interference. Furthermore, during the interference process, the model uses stable diffusion models in an attempt to repaint the facial regions in the interference template, and the similarity between the input and the output images are verified using the various ControlNet units. 

The EasyPhoto framework also deploys a two-stage diffusion process to tackle potential issues like boundary artifacts & identity loss, thus ensuring that the images generated minimizes visual inconsistencies while maintaining the user’s identity. Furthermore, the interference pipeline in the EasyPhoto framework is not only limited to generating portraits, but it can also be used to generate anything that is related to the user’s ID. This implies that once you train the LoRA model for a particular ID, you can generate a wide array of AI pictures, and thus it can have widespread applications including virtual try-ons. 

Tu summarize, the EasyPhoto framework

  1. Proposes a novel approach to train the LoRA model by incorporating multiple LoRA models to maintain the facial fidelity of the images generated. 
  2. Makes use of various reinforcement learning methods to optimize the LoRA models for facial identity rewards that further helps in enhancing the similarity of identities between the training images, and the results generated. 
  3. Proposes a dual-stage inpaint-based diffusion process that aims to generate AI photos with high aesthetics, and resemblance. 

EasyPhoto : Architecture & Training

The following figure demonstrates the training process of the EasyPhoto AI framework. 

As it can be seen, the framework first asks the users to input the training images, and then performs face detection to detect the face locations. Once the framework detects the face, it crops the input image using a predefined specific ratio that focuses solely on the facial region. The framework then deploys a skin beautification & a saliency detection model to obtain a clean & clear face training image. These two models play a crucial role in enhancing the visual quality of the face, and also ensure that the background information has been removed, and the training image predominantly contains the face. Finally, the framework uses these processed images and input prompts to train the LoRA model, and thus equipping it with the ability to comprehend user-specific facial characteristics more effectively & accurately. 

Furthermore, during the training phase, the framework includes a critical validation step, in which the framework computes the face ID gap between the user input image, and the verification image that was generated by the trained LoRA model. The validation step is a fundamental process that plays a key role in achieving the fusion of the LoRA models, ultimately ensuring that the trained LoRA framework transforms into a doppelganger, or an accurate digital representation of the user. Additionally, the verification image that has the optimal face_id score will be selected as the face_id image, and this face_id image will then be used to enhance the identity similarity of the interference generation. 

Moving along, based on the ensemble process, the framework trains the LoRA models with likelihood estimation being the primary objective, whereas preserving facial identity similarity is the downstream objective. To tackle this issue, the EasyPhoto framework makes use of reinforcement learning techniques to optimize the downstream objective directly. As a result, the facial features that the LoRA models learn display improvement that leads to an enhanced similarity between the template generated results, and also demonstrates the generalization across templates. 

Interference Process

The following figure demonstrates the interference process for an individual User ID in the EasyPhoto framework, and is divided into three parts

  • Face Preprocess for obtaining the ControlNet reference, and the preprocessed input image. 
  • First Diffusion that helps in generating coarse results that resemble the user input. 
  • Second Diffusion that fixes the boundary artifacts, thus making the images more accurate, and appear more realistic. 

For the input, the framework takes a face_id image(generated during training validation using the optimal face_id score), and an interference template. The output is a highly detailed, accurate, and realistic portrait of the user, and closely resembles the identity & unique appearance of the user on the basis of the infer template. Let’s have a detailed look at these processes.

Face PreProcess

A way to generate an AI portrait based on an interference template without conscious reasoning is to use the SD model to inpaint the facial region in the interference template. Additionally, adding the ControlNet framework to the process not only enhances the preservation of user identity, but also enhances the similarity between the images generated. However, using ControlNet directly for regional inpainting can introduce potential issues that may include

  • Inconsistency between the Input and the Generated Image : It is evident that the key points in the template image are not compatible with the key points in the face_id image which is why using ControlNet with the face_id image as reference can lead to some inconsistencies in the output. 
  • Defects in the Inpaint Region : Masking a region, and then inpainting it with a new face might lead to noticeable defects, especially along the inpaint boundary that will not only impact the authenticity of the image generated, but will also negatively affect the realism of the image. 
  • Identity Loss by Control Net : As the training process does not utilize the ControlNet framework, using ControlNet during the interference phase might affect the ability of the trained LoRA models to preserve the input user id identity. 

To tackle the issues mentioned above, the EasyPhoto framework proposes three procedures. 

  • Align and Paste : By using a face-pasting algorithm, the EasyPhoto framework aims to tackle the issue of mismatch between facial landmarks between the face id and the template. First, the model calculates the facial landmarks of the face_id and the template image, following which the model determines the affine transformation matrix that will be used to align the facial landmarks of the template image with the face_id image. The resulting image retains the same landmarks of the face_id image, and also aligns with the template image. 
  • Face Fuse : Face Fuse is a novel approach that is used to correct the boundary artifacts that are a result of mask inpainting, and it involves the rectification of artifacts using the ControlNet framework. The method allows the EasyPhoto framework to ensure the preservation of harmonious edges, and thus ultimately guiding the process of image generation. The face fusion algorithm further fuses the roop(ground truth user images) image & the template, that allows the resulting fused image to exhibit better stabilization of the edge boundaries, which then leads to an enhanced output during the first diffusion stage. 
  • ControlNet guided Validation : Since the LoRA models were not trained using the ControlNet framework, using it during the inference process might affect the ability of the LoRA model to preserve the identities. In order to enhance the generalization capabilities of EasyPhoto, the framework considers the influence of the ControlNet framework, and incorporates LoRA models from different stages. 

First Diffusion

The first diffusion stage uses the template image to generate an image with a unique id that resembles the input user id. The input image is a fusion of the user input image, and the template image, whereas the calibrated face mask is the input mask. To further increase the control over image generation, the EasyPhoto framework integrates three ControlNet units where the first ControlNet unit focuses on the control of the fused images, the second ControlNet unit controls the colors of the fused image, and the final ControlNet unit is the openpose (real-time multi-person human pose control) of the replaced image that not only contains the facial structure of the template image, but also the facial identity of the user.

Second Diffusion

In the second diffusion stage, the artifacts near the boundary of the face are refined and fine tuned along with providing users with the flexibility to mask a specific region in the image in an attempt to enhance the effectiveness of generation within that dedicated area. In this stage, the framework fuses the output image obtained from the first diffusion stage with the roop image or the result of the user’s image, thus generating the input image for the second diffusion stage. Overall, the second diffusion stage plays a crucial role in enhancing the overall quality, and the details of the generated image. 

Multi User IDs

One of EasyPhoto’s highlights is its support for generating multiple user IDs, and the figure below demonstrates the pipeline of the interference process for multi user IDs in the EasyPhoto framework. 

To provide support for multi-user ID generation, the EasyPhoto framework first performs face detection on the interference template. These interference templates are then split into numerous masks, where each mask contains only one face, and the rest of the image is masked in white, thus breaking the multi-user ID generation into a simple task of generating individual user IDs. Once the framework generates the user ID images, these images are merged into the inference template, thus facilitating a seamless integration of the template images with the generated images, that ultimately results in a high-quality image. 

Experiments and Results

Now that we have an understanding of the EasyPhoto framework, it is time for us to explore the performance of the EasyPhoto framework. 

The above image is generated by the EasyPhoto plugin, and it uses a Style based SD model for the image generation. As it can be observed, the generated images look realistic, and are quite accurate. 

The image added above is generated by the EasyPhoto framework using a Comic Style based SD model. As it can be seen, the comic photos, and the realistic photos look quite realistic, and closely resemble the input image on the basis of the user prompts or requirements. 

The image added below has been generated by the EasyPhoto framework by making the use of a Multi-Person template. As it can be clearly seen, the images generated are clear, accurate, and resemble the original image. 

With the help of EasyPhoto, users can now generate a wide array of AI portraits, or generate multiple user IDs using preserved templates, or use the SD model to generate inference templates. The images added above demonstrate the capability of the EasyPhoto framework in producing diverse, and high-quality AI pictures.


In this article, we have talked about EasyPhoto, a novel WebUI plugin that allows end users to generate AI portraits & images. The EasyPhoto WebUI plugin generates AI portraits using arbitrary templates, and the current implications of the EasyPhoto WebUI supports different photo styles, and multiple modifications. Additionally, to further enhance EasyPhoto’s capabilities, users have the flexibility to generate images using the SDXL model to generate more satisfactory, accurate, and diverse images. The EasyPhoto framework utilizes a stable diffusion base model coupled with a pretrained LoRA model that produces high quality image outputs.

Interested in image generators? We also provide a list of the Best AI Headshot Generators and the Best AI Image Generators that are easy to use and require no technical expertise.

The post EasyPhoto: Your Personal AI Photo Generator appeared first on Unite.AI.

AI in DevOps: Streamlining Software Deployment and Operations https://www.unite.ai/ai-in-devops-streamlining-software-deployment-and-operations/ Mon, 30 Oct 2023 16:59:05 +0000 https://www.unite.ai/?p=191789

Like a well-oiled machine, your organization is on the brink of a significant software deployment. You've invested heavily in cutting-edge AI solutions, your digital transformation strategy is set, and your sights are firmly fixed on the future. Yet, the question looms – can you truly harness the power of AI to streamline your software deployment […]

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Like a well-oiled machine, your organization is on the brink of a significant software deployment. You've invested heavily in cutting-edge AI solutions, your digital transformation strategy is set, and your sights are firmly fixed on the future. Yet, the question looms – can you truly harness the power of AI to streamline your software deployment and operations?

In a world where the global digital transformation market is hurtling towards a staggering $1,548.9 billion by 2027 at a CAGR of 21.1%, you can't afford just to tread water. 

As emerging DevOps trends redefine software development, companies leverage advanced capabilities to speed up their AI adoption. That’s why, you need to embrace the dynamic duo of AI and DevOps to stay competitive and stay relevant.

This article delves deep into the transformative synergy of artificial intelligence and DevOps, exploring how this partnership can redefine your operations, making them scalable and future-ready. 

How does DevOps expedite AI?

By harnessing the power of AI for data learning and offering rich insights, DevOps teams can speed up their development process and improve via quality assurance. This propels them towards the adoption of innovative solutions while facing critical issues. 

Integrating the combo of AI and DevOps results in several benefits:

  • Make the overall process faster: Deploying artificial intelligence into operations is still something new for most companies. Because one needs to create a dedicated testing environment for a smoother AI implementation. Also, deploying the code to software is a bit tricky and time-consuming. With DevOps, there is no need to do such tasks, eventually speeding up the market time.
  • Improves quality: The effectiveness of AI is significantly influenced by the quality of the data it processes. Training AI models with subpar data can lead to biased responses and undesirable outcomes. When unstructured data surfaces during AI development, the DevOps process plays a crucial role in data cleansing, ultimately enhancing the overall model quality.
  • Improving AI quality: AI system effectiveness hinges on data quality. Poor data can distort AI responses. DevOps aids in cleaning unstructured data during development, enhancing model quality.
  • Scaling AI: Managing AI's complex roles and processes is challenging. DevOps accelerates delivery, reduces repetitive work, and lets teams focus on later development stages.
  • Ensuring AI stability: DevOps, especially continuous integration, prevents faulty product releases. It guarantees error-free models, boosting AI system reliability and stability.

How will DevOps culture boost AI performance?

AI-enabled solutions have revolutionized business operations to a great extent by delivering impeccable functionalities. But still, artificial intelligence faces a couple of challenges as it requires tremendous efforts and innovative technologies to overcome them. Therefore, gaining a quality dataset and predicting accurate results becomes complicated.

Businesses need to cultivate a DevOps culture to achieve exceptional results. Such an approach will result in effective development, integration, and process pipeline.

Below are the phases to make AI processes adaptable to DevOps culture: 

  • Data preparation 

To create a high-quality dataset, you need to convert raw data into valuable insights through machine learning. Data preparation involves steps like collecting, cleaning, transforming, and storing data, which can be time-consuming for data scientists. 

Integrating DevOps into data processing involves automating and streamlining the process, known as “DevOps for Data” or “DataOps.”

DataOps uses technology to automate data delivery, ensuring quality and consistency. DevOps practices improve team collaboration and workflow efficiency.

  • Model development

Efficient development and deployment is one of the important yet dicey aspects of AI/ML development. The development team should automate the concurrent development, testing, and model version control pipeline.

AI and ML projects require frequent incremental iterations and seamless integration into production, following a CI/CD approach.

Given the time-consuming nature of AI and ML model development and testing, it's advisable to establish separate timelines for these stages.

AI/ML development is an ongoing process focused on delivering value without compromising quality. Team collaboration is essential for continuous improvement and error checks, enhancing the AI model's lifecycle and progress.

  • Model deployment

DevOps makes managing data streams in real-time easier by making AI models smaller over highly distributed platforms. Although such models can boost AI operations, it can pose some critical challenges as well:

  • Making models easily searchable
  • Maintaining traceability
  • Recording trials and research
  • Visualizing model performance

To address these challenges, DevOps, IT teams, and ML specialists must collaborate for seamless teamwork. Machine Learning Operations (MLOps) automates the deployment, monitoring, and management of AI/ML models, facilitating efficient collaboration among the software development team.

  • Model monitoring and learning

DevOps streamlines software development, enabling faster releases. AI/ML models can drift from their initial parameters, warranting corrective actions to optimize predictive performance. Continuous learning is vital in DevOps for ongoing improvement.

To achieve continuous improvement and learning:

  • Gather feedback from data scientists.
  • Set training objectives for AI roles.
  • Define objectives for DevOps teams.
  • Ensure access to essential resources.

AI deployment should be automation-driven and adaptable, delivering maximum value to align with business goals.

Speeding up AI modeling with continuous integration

In product development and implementation, companies often go through iterative phases, briefly halting further modifications to allow a separate team to set up the necessary technology infrastructure. This usually takes a few weeks, after which the updated version is distributed.

The problem for many companies is prematurely abandoning their AI development efforts and losing out to competitors who value scalable technology and cultural practices.

Organizations can build a fully automated AI model by merging the DevOps culture and advanced technologies. Identifying and capitalizing on lucrative automation opportunities can significantly enhance efficiency and productivity.

Developers must incorporate advanced automated testing into their IT architectures. In transforming their AI development workflows, continuous delivery is essential, accelerating the launch of high-quality solutions and services.

Within this framework, development teams can quickly gain insights from data to make informed decisions impacting development and performance.

Signing off

The integration of AI in DevOps is revolutionizing software deployment and operations. It enhances efficiency, reliability, and collaboration among development and operations teams. As technology advances, embracing AI in DevOps speeds up data preparation and model construction and assures efficient AI scaling operations. So, companies should consider making AI operationalization one of their core business objectives.

The post AI in DevOps: Streamlining Software Deployment and Operations appeared first on Unite.AI.

Google’s Strategic Expansion in AI: A $2 Billion Bet on Anthropic https://www.unite.ai/googles-strategic-expansion-in-ai-a-2-billion-bet-on-anthropic/ Sun, 29 Oct 2023 22:36:44 +0000 https://www.unite.ai/?p=191940

In a move that underscores the tech giant's deepening commitment to artificial intelligence (AI), Google has recently announced a significant investment in Anthropic. This $2 billion infusion not only strengthens Google's foothold in the rapidly evolving AI landscape but also signals a profound shift in the industry's dynamics. Anthropic, a burgeoning rival to OpenAI, the […]

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In a move that underscores the tech giant's deepening commitment to artificial intelligence (AI), Google has recently announced a significant investment in Anthropic. This $2 billion infusion not only strengthens Google's foothold in the rapidly evolving AI landscape but also signals a profound shift in the industry's dynamics.

Anthropic, a burgeoning rival to OpenAI, the creators of the widely acclaimed ChatGPT, has become a focal point in the race to dominate the next generation of AI technologies. Google's substantial investment, which follows a previous allocation of $550 million earlier in 2023, is more than just a financial endorsement. It represents a strategic alignment with Anthropic's vision and technological aspirations.

This investment is particularly noteworthy in the context of the broader AI industry, which is witnessing unprecedented growth and competition. With tech behemoths like Amazon and Microsoft also placing hefty bets on AI startups, the landscape is rapidly becoming a battleground for innovation, talent, and market dominance. Google's latest move with Anthropic is not just about backing an AI startup; it's about shaping the future of AI and securing a leading position in an increasingly competitive field.

Google's Growing Investment in Anthropic

Google's foray into the world of advanced artificial intelligence through Anthropic started with an initial investment of $500 million. This substantial amount laid the groundwork for a deeper financial commitment, which has now crescendoed to a staggering $2 billion.

Alongside direct investments, Google Cloud has entered into a multiyear partnership with Anthropic, valued at over $3 billion. This alliance is not just a financial transaction but a strategic collaboration that could leverage Google Cloud's robust infrastructure to bolster Anthropic's AI development. This deal represents a symbiotic relationship, promising to accelerate Anthropic's AI innovations while enhancing Google Cloud's position as a preferred platform for cutting-edge AI research and deployment.

In a competitive landscape, it's worth noting that Google is not the only tech titan betting big on Anthropic. Amazon has also made a significant move by investing a colossal $4 billion into the AI startup. This investment by Amazon, known for its strategic forays into future technologies, further validates Anthropic's potential and places it at the center of a high-stakes tech rivalry.

The OpenAI-Microsoft Parallel

This escalating investment scenario is reminiscent of the partnership between OpenAI and Microsoft, which has seen Microsoft pour over $13 billion into OpenAI since 2019. The relationship between OpenAI and Microsoft, particularly in the wake of the sensational success of ChatGPT, has set a precedent in the industry. Google's increasing involvement with Anthropic can be seen as a direct response to this, positioning the tech giant as a formidable contender in the race to lead the AI revolution.

Google's deepening financial and strategic involvement with Anthropic, juxtaposed with similar moves by Amazon and Microsoft's alliance with OpenAI, is reshaping the AI industry landscape. It's a clear indicator that the battle for AI supremacy is intensifying, with major players making significant investments to secure their positions at the forefront of this technological evolution.

The post Google’s Strategic Expansion in AI: A $2 Billion Bet on Anthropic appeared first on Unite.AI.

Uni3D: Exploring Unified 3D Representation at Scale https://www.unite.ai/uni3d-exploring-unified-3d-representation-at-scale/ Fri, 27 Oct 2023 16:43:08 +0000 https://www.unite.ai/?p=191552

Scaling up representations of text and visuals has been a major focus of research in recent years. Developments and research conducted in the recent past have led to numerous revolutions in language learning and vision. However, despite the popularity of scaling text and visual representations, the scaling of representations for 3D scenes and objects has […]

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Scaling up representations of text and visuals has been a major focus of research in recent years. Developments and research conducted in the recent past have led to numerous revolutions in language learning and vision. However, despite the popularity of scaling text and visual representations, the scaling of representations for 3D scenes and objects has not been sufficiently discussed.

Today, we will discuss Uni3D, a 3D foundation model that aims to explore unified 3D representations. The Uni3D framework employs a 2D-initialized ViT framework, pretrained end-to-end, to align image-text features with their corresponding 3D point cloud features.

The Uni3D framework uses pretext tasks and a simple architecture to leverage the abundance of pretrained 2D models and image-text-aligned models as initializations and targets, respectively. This approach unleashes the full potential of 2D models and strategies to scale them to the 3D world.

In this article, we will delve deeper into 3D computer vision and the Uni3D framework, exploring the essential concepts and the architecture of the model. So, let’s begin.

Uni3D and 3D Representation Learning : An Introduction

In the past few years, computer vision has emerged as one of the most heavily invested domains in the AI industry. Following significant advancements in 2D computer vision frameworks, developers have shifted their focus to 3D computer vision. This field, particularly 3D representation learning, merges aspects of computer graphics, machine learning, computer vision, and mathematics to automate the processing and understanding of 3D geometry. The rapid development of 3D sensors like LiDAR, along with their widespread applications in the AR/VR industry, has resulted in 3D representation learning gaining increased attention. Its potential applications continue to grow daily.

Although existing frameworks have shown remarkable progress in 3D model architecture, task-oriented modeling, and learning objectives, most explore 3D architecture on a relatively small scale with limited data, parameters, and task scenarios. The challenge of learning scalable 3D representations, which can then be applied to real-time applications in diverse environments, remains largely unexplored.

Moving along, in the past few years, scaling large language models that are pre-trained has helped in revolutionizing the natural language processing domain, and recent works have indicated a translation in the progress to 2D from language using data and model scaling which makes way for developers to try & reattempt this success to learn a 3D representation that can be scaled & be transferred to applications in real world. 

Uni3D is a scalable and unified pretraining 3D framework developed with the aim to learn large-scale 3D representations that tests its limits at the scale of over a billion parameters, over 10 million images paired with over 70 million texts, and over a million 3D shapes. The figure below compares the zero-shot accuracy against parameters in the Uni3D framework. The Uni3D framework successfully scales 3D representations from 6 million to over a billion. 

The Uni3D framework consists of a 2D ViT or Vision Transformer as the 3D encoder that is then pre-trained end-to-end to align the image-text aligned features with the 3D point cloud features. The Uni3D framework makes use of pretext tasks and  simple architecture to leverage the abundance of pretrained 2D models and image text aligned models as initialization and targets respectively, thus unleashing the full potential of 2D models, and strategies to scale them to the 3D world. The flexibility & scalability of the Uni3D framework is measured in terms of

  1. Scaling the model from 6M to over a billion parameters. 
  2. 2D initialization to text supervised from visual self-supervised learning
  3. Text-image target model scaling from 150 million to over a billion parameters. 

Under the flexible and unified framework offered by Uni3D, developers observe a coherent boost in the performance when it comes to scaling each component. The large-scale 3D representation learning also benefits immensely from the sharable 2D and scale-up strategies. 

As it can be seen in the figure below, the Uni3D framework displays a boost in the performance when compared to prior art in few-shot and zero-shot settings. It is worth noting that the Uni3D framework returns a zero-shot classification accuracy score of over 88% on ModelNet which is at par with the performance of several state of the art supervision methods. 

Furthermore, the Uni3D framework also delivers top notch accuracy & performance when performing other representative 3D tasks like part segmentation, and open world understanding. The Uni3D framework aims to bridge the gap between 2D vision and 3D vision by scaling 3D foundational models with a unified yet simple pre-training approach to learn more robust 3D representations across a wide array of tasks, that might ultimately help in the convergence of 2D and 3D vision across a wide array of modalities.

Uni3D : Related Work

The Uni3D framework draws inspiration, and learns from the developments made by previous 3D representation learning, and Foundational models especially under different modalities. 

3D Representation Learning

The 3D representation learning method uses cloud points for 3D understanding of the object, and this field has been explored by developers a lot in the recent past, and it has been observed that these cloud points can be pre-trained under self-supervision using specific 3D pretext tasks including mask point modeling, self-reconstruction, and contrastive learning. 

It is worth noting that these methods work with limited data, and they often do not investigate multimodal representations to 3D from 2D or NLP. However, the recent success of the CLIP framework that returns high efficiency in learning visual concepts from raw text using the contrastive learning method, and further seeks to learn 3D representations by aligning image, text, and cloud point features using the same contrastive learning method. 

Foundation Models

Developers have exhaustively been working on designing foundation models to scale up and unify multimodal representations. For example, in the NLP domain, developers have been working on frameworks that can scale up pre-trained language models, and it is slowly revolutionizing the NLP industry. Furthermore, advancements can be observed in the 2D vision domain as well because developers are working on frameworks that use data & model scaling techniques to help in the progress of language to 2D models, although such frameworks are difficult to replicate for 3D models because of the limited availability of 3D data, and the challenges encountered when unifying & scaling up the 3D frameworks. 

By learning from the above two work domains, developers have created the Uni3D framework, the first 3D foundation model with over a billion parameters that makes use of a unified ViT or Vision Transformer architecture that allows developers to scale the Uni3D model using unified 3D or NLP strategies for scaling up the models. Developers hope that this method will allow the Uni3D framework to bridge the gap that currently separates 2D and 3D vision along with facilitating multimodal convergence

Uni3D : Method and Architecture

The above image demonstrates the generic overview of the Uni3D framework, a scalable and unified pre-training 3D framework for large-scale 3D representation learning. Developers make use of over 70 million texts, and 10 million images paired with over a million 3D shapes to scale the Uni3D framework to over a billion parameters. The Uni3D framework uses a 2D ViT or Vision Transformer as a 3D encoder that is then trained end-to-end to align the text-image data with the 3D cloud point features, allowing the Uni3D framework to deliver the desired efficiency & accuracy across a wide array of benchmarks. Let us now have a detailed look at the working of the Uni3D framework. 

Scaling the Uni3D Framework

Prior studies on cloud point representation learning have traditionally focused heavily on designing particular model architectures that deliver better performance across a wide range of applications, and work on a limited amount of data thanks to small-scale datasets. However, recent studies have tried exploring the possibility of using scalable pre-training in 3D but there were no major outcomes thanks to the availability of limited 3D data. To solve the scalability problem of 3D frameworks, the Uni3D framework leverages the power of a vanilla transformer structure that almost mirrors a Vision Transformer, and can solve the scaling problems by using unified 2D or NLP scaling-up strategies to scale the model size. 

Prior studies on cloud point representation learning have traditionally focussed heavily on designing particular model architectures that deliver better performance across a wide range of applications, and work on a limited amount of data thanks to small-scale datasets. However, recent studies have tried exploring the possibility of using scalable pre-training in 3D but there were no major outcomes thanks to the availability of limited 3D data. To solve the scalability problem of 3D frameworks, the Uni3D framework leverages the power of a vanilla transformer structure that almost mirrors a Vision Transformer, and can solve the scaling problems by using unified 2D or NLP scaling-up strategies to scale the model size. 

Initializing Uni3D

Another major challenge encountered by prior works involved in the scaling of 3D representations, the difficulties in convergence, and overfitting that were a result of the large size of the models. An effective approach to overcome this hurdle is to pretrain individual 3D backbones with specified 3D pretext tasks, and initialize pretrained parameters. However, the approach is accompanied with high training costs, and it is also difficult to establish a robust initialization for cross-modal learning thanks to the limited amount of 3D data available for training purposes. 

The Uni3D framework leverages a vanilla transformer, the structure of which closely resembles ViT. With this approach, the Uni3D framework can naturally adopt the pre-trained large models with other modalities to initialize the Uni3D framework. 

Multi-Modal Alignment

The Uni3D framework attempts to learn multi-model alignments across image, language, and point clouds by making use of paradigms similar to OpenShape, and ULIP frameworks. Furthermore, to ensure a fair comparison with other methods, the Uni3D framework uses the ensembled 3D dataset by OpenShape for training purposes. This ensembled dataset by OpenShape consists 4 3D datasets: 

  1. Objaverse. 
  2. ShapeNet. 
  3. 3D-FUTURE. 
  4. ABO. 

Experiments and Results

The Uni3D framework is tested across different settings, and across various classification tasks including its performance in zero-shot, and few-shot settings, results around open world understandings, and more. Let’s have a detailed look into these results.

Zero Shot Shape Classification

To evaluate the performance of the Uni3D framework across zero-shot shape classification tasks, the developers conduct experiments across three benchmarks including ModelNet, ScanObjNN, and Objaverse-LVIS benchmark datasets. ModelNet, and ScanObjNN are datasets widely used for classification tasks, and they consist of 15, and 40 object categories respectively, whereas the Objaverse-LVIS benchmark is a cleaned & annotated dataset consisting of over 40,000 objects across 1,100+ categories. The comparison between the frameworks is demonstrated in the image below, and as it can be seen, the Uni3D framework significantly outperforms the previous state of the art frameworks across different settings. 

Few-Shot Linear Probing

In AI, Linear Probing is a common method used to evaluate the representations that a framework or a model learns. To evaluate Uni3D’s linear probing ability, the developers freeze the parameters of the Uni3D framework using the common settings as OpenShape. Following this, the developers train a linear classifier for Uni3D using few-shot class labels. The figure below demonstrates the linear probing ability of different frameworks on the Objaverse-LVIS dataset, and demonstrates the average performance of the model across 10 random seeds. As it can be seen, the Uni3D framework outperforms existing methods significantly under different few-shot settings. 

Open-World Understanding

To evaluate the capability of the Uni3D framework to understand real-world shapes & objects in real-time, developers use ScanNet and CLIP datasets to explore Uni3D’s performance. It is worth noting that the ground truth instant segmentation is available, and the primary motive is to recognize the category of every scene’s individual instant in a zero-shot setting. The results are demonstrated in the image below. As it can be seen, the Uni3D framework delivers exceptional results when performing real-world understanding & recognition. The Uni3D framework outperforms existing frameworks by a significant margin despite never training on real-world datasets. 

Cross-Modal Retrieval

The multi-modal representations learned by the Uni3D framework can allow the framework to retrieve 3D shapes naturally either from texts or images. To retrieve the 3D shapes, the model calculates the cosine similarity between the embeddings of 3D shapes, and the embeddings of a query text prompt or a query image. The framework then makes use of the KNN or K Nearest Neighbour algorithm to generate 3D shapes that resemble the query the most, and the results are demonstrated in the figure below. As it can be seen, the Uni3D framework successfully uses real-world images to retrieve 3D shapes. Furthermore, it is worth noting that training images are only for rendering purposes, and the gap between real-world and training images is substantial. Additionally, the model also takes two input images, and retrieves shapes similar to both input images by using the cosine similarity between the embedding averages of both the images, and their embedded 3D shapes. The results are interesting as they demonstrate Uni3D’s ability to learn diverse 3D representations, and perceive multiple 2D signals. 

In the first column, the framework uses 2 query images to return 3D shapes that are most similar to the query images. In the second column, the framework uses two input images to retrieve 3D shapes that resemble both the input images. Finally, in the final column, the model uses query texts, and returns 3D shapes that resemble the text query the maximum. 

Final Thoughts

In this article, we have talked about Uni3D, a scalable and unified pretraining 3D framework developed with the aim to learn large-scale 3D representations that tests its limits at the scale of over a billion parameters, over 10 million images paired with over 70 million texts, and over a million 3D shapes. The developers of the framework have included a vanilla transformer with its structure equivalent to ViTs that allows them to scale up the Uni3D framework using unified 2D or NLP scaling strategies. Furthermore, the Uni3D framework can leverage a wide array of pre-trained 2D frameworks and 2D strategies to the 3D world. The experimental results have already demonstrated the huge potential of the Uni3D framework as the Uni3D framework returns accurate & efficient results across a wide array of settings, and outperforms existing state-of-the-art frameworks. 

The post Uni3D: Exploring Unified 3D Representation at Scale appeared first on Unite.AI.

Artificial Intelligence and Legal Identity https://www.unite.ai/artificial-intelligence-and-legal-identity/ Fri, 27 Oct 2023 16:31:29 +0000 https://www.unite.ai/?p=191779

This article focuses on the issue of granting the status of a legal subject to artificial intelligence (AI), especially based on civil law. Legal identity is defined here as a concept integral to the term of legal capacity; however, this does not imply accepting that moral subjectivity is the same as moral personality. Legal identity […]

The post Artificial Intelligence and Legal Identity appeared first on Unite.AI.


This article focuses on the issue of granting the status of a legal subject to artificial intelligence (AI), especially based on civil law. Legal identity is defined here as a concept integral to the term of legal capacity; however, this does not imply accepting that moral subjectivity is the same as moral personality. Legal identity is a complex attribute that can be recognized for certain subjects or assigned to others.

I believe this attribute is graded, discrete, discontinuous, multifaceted, and changeable. This means that it can contain more or less elements of different types (e.g., duties, rights, competencies, etc.), which in most cases can be added or removed by the legislator; human rights, which, according to the common opinion, cannot be deprived, are the exception.

Nowadays, humanity is facing a period of social transformation related to the replacement of one technological mode with another; “smart” machines and software learn quite quickly; artificial intelligence systems are increasingly capable of replacing people in many activities. One of the issues that is arising more and more frequently due to the improvement of artificial intelligence technologies is the recognition of artificial intelligent systems as legal subjects, as they have reached the level of making fully autonomous decisions and potentially manifesting “subjective will”. This issue was hypothetically raised in the 20th century. In the 21st century, the scientific debate is steadily evolving, reaching the other extreme with each introduction of new models of artificial intelligence into practice, such as the appearance of self-driving cars on the streets or the presentation of robots with a new set of functions.

The legal issue of determining the status of artificial intelligence is of a general theoretical nature, which is caused by the objective impossibility of predicting all possible outcomes of developing new models of artificial intelligence. However, artificial intelligence systems (AI systems) are already actual participants in certain social relations, which requires the establishment of “benchmarks”, i.e., resolution of fundamental issues in this area for the purpose of legislative consolidation, and thus, reduction of uncertainty in predicting the development of relations involving artificial intelligence systems in the future.

The issue of the alleged identity of artificial intelligence as an object of research, mentioned in the title of the article, certainly does not cover all artificial intelligence systems, including many “electronic assistants” that do not claim to be legal entities. Their set of functions is limited, and they represent narrow (weak) artificial intelligence. We will rather refer to “smart machines” (cyber-physical intelligent systems) and generative models of virtual intelligent systems, which are increasingly approaching general (powerful) artificial intelligence comparable to human intelligence and, in the future, even exceeding it.

By 2023, the issue of creating strong artificial intelligence has been urgently raised by multimodal neural networks such as ChatGPT, DALL-e, and others, the intellectual capabilities of which are being improved by increasing the number of parameters (perception modalities, including those inaccessible to humans), as well as by using large amounts of data for training that humans cannot physically process. For example, multimodal generative models of neural networks can produce such images, literary and scientific texts that it is not always possible to distinguish whether they are created by a human or an artificial intelligence system.

IT experts highlight two qualitative leaps: a speed leap (the frequency of the emergence of brand-new models), which is now measured in months rather than years, and a volatility leap (the inability to accurately predict what might happen in the field of artificial intelligence even by the end of the year). The ChatGPT-3 model (the third generation of the natural language processing algorithm from OpenAI) was introduced in 2020 and could process text, while the next generation model, ChatGPT-4, launched by the manufacturer in March 2023, can “work” not only with texts but also with images, and the next generation model is learning and will be capable of even more.

A few years ago, the anticipated moment of technological singularity, when the development of machines becomes virtually uncontrollable and irreversible, dramatically changing human civilization, was considered to occur at least in a few decades, but nowadays more and more researchers believe that it can happen much faster. This implies the emergence of so-called strong artificial intelligence, which will demonstrate abilities comparable to human intelligence and will be able to solve a similar or even wider range of tasks. Unlike weak artificial intelligence, strong AI will have consciousness, yet one of the essential conditions for the emergence of consciousness in intelligent systems is the ability to perform multimodal behavior, integrating data from different sensory modalities (text, image, video, sound, etc.), “connecting” information of different modalities to reality, and creating complete holistic “world metaphors” inherent in humans.

In March 2023, more than a thousand researchers, IT experts, and entrepreneurs in the field of artificial intelligence signed an open letter published on the website of the Future of Life Institute, an American research center specializing in the investigation of existential risks to humanity. The letter calls for suspending the training of new generative multimodal neural network models, as the lack of unified security protocols and legal vacuum significantly enhance the risks as the speed of AI development has increased dramatically due to the “ChatGPT revolution”. It was also noted that artificial intelligence models have developed unexplained capabilities not intended by their developers, and the share of such capabilities is likely to gradually increase. In addition, such a technological revolution dramatically boosts the creation of intelligent gadgets that will become widespread, and new generations, modern children who have grown up in constant communication with artificial intelligence assistants, will be very different from previous generations.

Is it possible to hinder the development of artificial intelligence so that humanity can adapt to new conditions? In theory, it is, if all states facilitate this through national legislation. Will they do so? Based on the published national strategies, they won't; on the contrary, each state aims to win the competition (to maintain leadership or to narrow the gap).

The capabilities of artificial intelligence attract entrepreneurs, so businesses invest heavily in new developments, with the success of each new model driving the process. Annual investments are growing, considering both private and state investments in development; the global market for AI solutions is estimated at hundreds of billions of dollars. According to forecasts, in particular those contained in the European Parliament's resolution “On Artificial Intelligence in the Digital Age” dated May 3, 2022, the contribution of artificial intelligence to the global economy will exceed 11 trillion euros by 2030.

Practice-oriented business leads to the implementation of artificial intelligence technologies in all sectors of the economy. Artificial intelligence is used in both the extractive and processing industries (metallurgy, fuel and chemical industry, engineering, metalworking, etc.). It is applied to predict the efficiency of developed products, automate assembly lines, reduce rejects, improve logistics, and prevent downtime.

The use of artificial intelligence in transportation involves both autonomous vehicles and route optimization by predicting traffic flows, as well as ensuring safety through the prevention of dangerous situations. The admission of self-driving cars to public roads is an issue of intense debate in parliaments around the world.

In banking, artificial intelligence systems have almost completely replaced humans in assessing borrowers' creditworthiness; they are increasingly being used to develop new banking products and enhance the security of banking transactions.

Artificial intelligence technologies are taking over not only business but also the social sphere: healthcare, education, and employment. The application of artificial intelligence in medicine enables better diagnostics, development of new medicines, and robotics-assisted surgeries; in education, it allows for personalized lessons, automated assessment of students and teachers' expertise.

Today, employment is increasingly changing due to the exponential growth of platform employment. According to the International Labour Organization, the share of people working through digital employment platforms augmented by artificial intelligence is steadily increasing worldwide. Platform employment is not the only component of the labor transformation; the growing level of production robotization also has a significant impact. According to the International Federation of Robotics, the number of industrial robots continues to increase worldwide, with the fastest pace of robotization observed in Asia, primarily in China and Japan.

Indeed, the capabilities of artificial intelligence to analyze data used for production management, diagnostic analytics, and forecasting are of great interest to governments. Artificial intelligence is being implemented in public administration. Nowadays, the efforts to create digital platforms for public services and automate many processes related to decision-making by government agencies are being intensified.

The concepts of “artificial personality” and “artificial sociality” are more frequently mentioned in public discourse; this demonstrates that the development and implementation of intelligent systems have shifted from a purely technical field to the research of various means of its integration into humanitarian and socio-cultural activities.

In view of the above, it can be stated that artificial intelligence is becoming more and more deeply embedded in people's lives. The presence of artificial intelligence systems in our lives will become more evident in the coming years; it will increase both in the work environment and in public space, in services and at home. Artificial intelligence will increasingly provide more efficient results through intelligent automation of various processes, thus creating new opportunities and posing new threats to individuals, communities, and states.

As the intellectual level grows, AI systems will inevitably become an integral part of society; people will have to coexist with them. Such a symbiosis will involve cooperation between humans and “smart” machines, which, according to Nobel Prize-winning economist J. Stiglitz, will lead to the transformation of civilization (Stiglitz, 2017). Even today, according to some lawyers, “in order to enhance human welfare, the law should not distinguish between the activities of humans and those of artificial intelligence when humans and artificial intelligence perform the same tasks” (Abbott, 2020). It should also be considered that the development of humanoid robots, which are acquiring physiology more and more similar to that of humans, will lead, among other things, to their performing gender roles as partners in society (Karnouskos, 2022).

States must adapt their legislation to changing social relations: the number of laws aimed at regulating relations involving artificial intelligence systems is growing rapidly around the world. According to Stanford University's AI Index Report 2023, while only one law was adopted in 2016, there were 12 of them in 2018, 18 – in 2021, and 37 – in 2022. This prompted the United Nations to define a position on the ethics of using artificial intelligence at the global level. In September 2022, a document was published that contained the principles of ethical use of artificial intelligence and was based on the Recommendations on the Ethics of Artificial Intelligence adopted a year earlier by the UNESCO General Conference. However, the pace of development and implementation of artificial intelligence technologies is far ahead of the pace of relevant changes in legislation.

Basic Concepts of Legal Capacity of Artificial Intelligence

Considering the concepts of potentially granting legal capacity to intellectual systems, it should be acknowledged that the implementation of any of these approaches will require a fundamental reconstruction of the existing general theory of law and amendments to a number of provisions in certain branches of law. It should be emphasised that proponents of different views often use the term “electronic person”, thus, the use of this term does not allow to determine which concept the author of the work is a proponent of without reading the work itself.

The most radical and, obviously, the least popular approach in scientific circles is the concept of the individual legal capacity of artificial intelligence. Proponents of this approach put forward the idea of “full inclusivity” (extreme inclusivism), which implies granting AI systems a legal status similar to that of humans as well as recognizing their own interests (Mulgan, 2019), given their social significance or social content (social valence). The latter is caused by the fact that “the robot's physical embodiment tends to make humans treat this moving object as if it were alive. This is even more evident when the robot has anthropomorphic characteristics, as the resemblance to the human body makes people start projecting emotions, feelings of pleasure, pain, and care, as well as the desire to establish relationships” (Avila Negri, 2021). The projection of human emotions onto inanimate objects is not new, dating back to human history, but when applied to robots, it entails numerous implications (Balkin, 2015).

The prerequisites for legal confirmation of this position are usually mentioned as follows:

– AI systems are reaching a level comparable to human cognitive functions;

– increasing the degree of similarity between robots and humans;

– humanity, protection of intelligent systems from potential “suffering”.

As the list of mandatory requirements shows, all of them have a high degree of theorization and subjective assessment. In particular, the trend towards the creation of anthropomorphic robots (androids) is driven by the day-to-day psychological and social needs of people who feel comfortable in the “company” of subjects similar to them. Some modern robots have other constricting properties due to the functions they perform; these include “reusable” courier robots, which place a priority on robust construction and efficient weight distribution. In this case, the last of these prerequisites comes into play, due to the formation of emotional ties with robots in the human mind, similar to the emotional ties between a pet and its owner (Grin, 2018).

The idea of “full inclusion” of the legal status of AI systems and humans is reflected in the works of some legal scholars. Since the provisions of the Constitution and sectoral legislation do not contain a legal definition of a personality, the concept of “personality” in the constitutional and legal sense theoretically allows for an expansive interpretation. In this case, individuals would include any holders of intelligence whose cognitive abilities are recognized as sufficiently developed. According to A.V. Nechkin, the logic of this approach is that the essential difference between humans and other living beings is their unique highly developed intelligence (Nechkin, 2020). Recognition of the rights of artificial intelligence systems seems to be the next step in the evolution of the legal system, which is gradually extending legal recognition to previously discriminated against people, and today also provides access to non-humans (Hellers, 2021).

If AI systems are granted such a legal status, the proponents of this approach consider it appropriate to grant such systems not literal rights of citizens in their established constitutional and legal interpretation, but their analogs and certain civil rights with some deviations. This position is based on objective biological differences between humans and robots. For instance, it makes no sense to recognize the right to life for an AI system, since it does not live in the biological sense. The rights, freedoms, and obligations of artificial intelligence systems should be secondary when compared to the rights of citizens; this provision establishes the derivative nature of artificial intelligence as a human creation in the legal sense.

Potential constitutional rights and freedoms of artificial intelligent systems include the right to be free, the right to self-improvement (learning and self-learning), the right to privacy (protection of software from arbitrary interference by third parties), freedom of speech, freedom of creativity, recognition of AI system copyright and limited property rights. Specific rights of artificial intelligence can also be listed, such as the right to access a source of electricity.

As for the duties of artificial intelligence systems, it is suggested that the three well-known laws of robotics formulated by I. Asimov should be constitutionally consolidated: Doing no harm to a person and preventing harm by their own inaction; obeying all orders given by a person, except for those aimed at harming another person; taking care of their own safety, except for the two previous cases (Naumov and Arkhipov, 2017). In this case, the rules of civil and administrative law will reflect some other duties.

The concept of the individual legal capacity of artificial intelligence has very little chance of being legitimized for several reasons.

First, the criterion for recognizing legal capacity based on the presence of consciousness and self-awareness is abstract; it allows for numerous offences, abuse of law and provokes social and political problems as an additional reason for the stratification of society. This idea was developed in detail in the work of S. Chopra and L. White, who argued that consciousness and self-awareness are not necessary and/or sufficient condition for recognising AI systems as a legal subject. In legal reality, completely conscious individuals, for example, children (or slaves in Roman law), are deprived or limited in legal capacity. At the same time, persons with severe mental disorders, including those declared incapacitated or in a coma, etc., with an objective inability to be conscious in the first case remain legal subjects (albeit in a limited form), and in the second case, they have the same full legal capacity, without major changes in their legal status. The potential consolidation of the mentioned criterion of consciousness and self-awareness will make it possible to arbitrarily deprive citizens of legal capacity.

Secondly, artificial intelligence systems will not be able to exercise their rights and obligations in the established legal sense, since they operate based on a previously written program, and legally significant decisions should be based on a person's subjective, moral choice (Morhat, 2018b), their direct expression of will. All moral attitudes, feelings, and desires of such a “person” become derived from human intelligence (Uzhov, 2017). The autonomy of artificial intelligence systems in the sense of their ability to make decisions and implement them independently, without external anthropogenic control or targeted human influence (Musina, 2023), is not comprehensive. Nowadays, artificial intelligence is only capable of making “quasi-autonomous decisions” that are somehow based on the ideas and moral attitudes of people. In this regard, only the “action-operation” of an AI system can be considered, excluding the ability to make a real moral assessment of artificial intelligence behavior (Petiev, 2022).

Thirdly, the recognition of the individual legal capacity of artificial intelligence (especially in the form of equating it with the status of a natural person) leads to a destructive change in the established legal order and legal traditions that have been formed since the Roman law and raises a number of fundamentally insoluble philosophical and legal issues in the field of human rights. The law as a system of social norms and a social phenomenon was created with due regard to human capabilities and to ensure human interests. The established anthropocentric system of normative provisions, the international consensus on the concept of internal rights will be considered legally and factually invalid in case of establishing an approach of “extreme inclusivism” (Dremlyuga & Dremlyuga, 2019). Therefore, granting the status of a legal entity to AI systems, in particular “smart” robots, may not be a solution to existing problems, but a Pandora's box that aggravates social and political contradictions (Solaiman, 2017).

Another point is that the works of the proponents of this concept usually mention only robots, i.e. cyber-physical artificial intelligence systems that will interact with people in the physical world, while virtual systems are excluded, although strong artificial intelligence, if it emerges, will be embodied in a virtual form as well.

Based on the above arguments, the concept of individual legal capacity of an artificial intelligence system should be considered as legally impossible under the current legal order.

The concept of collective personality with regard to artificial intelligent systems has gained considerable support among proponents of the admissibility of such legal capacity. The main advantage of this approach is that it excludes abstract concepts and value judgments (consciousness, self-awareness, rationality, morality, etc.) from legal work. The approach is based on the application of legal fiction to artificial intelligence.

As for legal entities, there are already “advanced regulatory methods that can be adapted to solve the dilemma of the legal status of artificial intelligence” (Hárs, 2022).

This concept does not imply that AI systems are actually granted the legal capacity of a natural person but is only an extension of the existing institution of legal entities, which suggests that a new category of legal entities called cybernetic “electronic organisms” should be created. This approach makes it more appropriate to consider a legal entity not in accordance with the modern narrow concept, in particular, the obligation that it may acquire and exercise civil rights, bear civil liabilities, and be a plaintiff and defendant in court on its own behalf), but in a broader sense, which represents a legal entity as any structure other than a natural person endowed with rights and obligations in the form provided by law. Thus, proponents of this approach suggest considering a legal entity as a subject entity (ideal entity) under Roman law.

The similarity between artificial intelligence systems and legal entities is manifested in the way they are endowed with legal capacity – through mandatory state registration of legal entities. Only after passing the established registration procedure a legal entity is endowed with legal status and legal capacity, i.e., it becomes a legal subject. This model keeps discussions about the legal capacity of AI systems in the legal field, excluding the recognition of legal capacity on other (extra-legal) grounds, without internal prerequisites, while a person is recognized as a legal subject by birth.

The advantage of this concept is the extension to artificial intelligent systems of the requirement to enter information into the relevant state registers, similar to the state register of legal entities, as a prerequisite for granting them legal capacity. This method implements an important function of systematizing all legal entities and creating a single database, which is necessary for both state authorities to control and supervise (for example, in the field of taxation) and potential counterparties of such entities.

The scope of rights of legal entities in any jurisdiction is usually less than that of natural persons; therefore, the use of this structure to grant legal capacity to artificial intelligence is not associated with granting it a number of rights proposed by the proponents of the previous concept.

When applying the legal fiction technique to legal entities, it is assumed that the actions of a legal entity are accompanied by an association of natural persons who form their “will” and exercise their “will” through the governing bodies of the legal entity.

In other words, legal entities are artificial (abstract) units designed to satisfy the interests of natural persons who acted as their founders or controlled them. Likewise, artificial intelligent systems are created to meet the needs of certain individuals – developers, operators, owners. A natural person who uses or programs AI systems is guided by his or her own interests, which this system represents in the external environment.

Assessing such a regulatory model in theory, one should not forget that a complete analogy between the positions of legal entities and AI systems is impossible. As mentioned above, all legally significant actions of legal entities are accompanied by natural persons who directly make these decisions. The will of a legal entity is always determined and fully controlled by the will of natural persons. Thus, legal entities cannot operate without the will of natural persons. As for AI systems, there is already an objective problem of their autonomy, i.e. the ability to make decisions without the intervention of a natural person after the moment of the direct creation of such a system.

Given the inherent limitations of the concepts reviewed above, a large number of researchers offer their own approaches to addressing the legal status of artificial intelligent systems. Conventionally, they can be attributed to different variations of the concept of “gradient legal capacity”, according to the researcher from the University of Leuven D. M. Mocanu, who implies a limited or partial legal status and legal capability of AI systems with a reservation: the term “gradient” is used because it is not only about including or not including certain rights and obligations in the legal status, but also about forming a set of such rights and obligations with a minimum threshold, as well as about recognizing such legal capacity only for certain purposes. Then, the two main types of this concept may include approaches that justify:

1) granting AI systems a special legal status and including “electronic persons” in the legal order as an entirely new category of legal subjects;

2) granting AI systems a limited legal status and legal capability within the framework of civil legal relations through the introduction of the category of “electronic agents”.

The position of proponents of different approaches within this concept can be united, given that there are no ontological grounds to consider artificial intelligence as a legal subject; however, in specific cases, there are already functional reasons to endow artificial intelligence systems with certain rights and obligations, which “proves the best way to promote the individual and public interests that should be protected by law” by granting these systems “limited and narrow” forms of legal entity”.

Granting special legal status to artificial intelligence systems by establishing a separate legal institution of “electronic persons” has a significant advantage in the detailed explanation and regulation of the relations that arise:

– between legal entities and natural persons and AI systems;

– between AI systems and their developers (operators, owners);

– between a third party and AI systems in civil legal relations.

In this legal framework, the artificial intelligence system will be controlled and managed separately from its developer, owner or operator. When defining the concept of the “electronic person”, P. M. Morkhat focuses on the application of the above-mentioned method of legal fiction and the functional direction of a particular model of artificial intelligence: “electronic person” is a technical and legal image (which has some features of legal fiction as well as of a legal entity) that reflects and implements a conditionally specific legal capacity of an artificial intelligence system, which differs depending on its intended function or purpose and capabilities.

Similarly to the concept of collective persons in relation to AI systems, this approach involves keeping special registers of “electronic persons”. A detailed and clear description of the rights and obligations of “electronic persons” is the basis for further control by the state and the owner of such AI systems. A clearly defined range of powers, a narrowed scope of legal status, and the legal capability of “electronic persons” will ensure that this “person” does not go beyond its program due to potentially independent decision-making and constant self-learning.

This approach implies that artificial intelligence, which at the stage of its creation is the intellectual property of software developers, may be granted the rights of a legal entity after appropriate certification and state registration, but the legal status and legal capability of an “electronic person” will be preserved.

The implementation of a fundamentally new institution of the established legal order will have serious legal consequences, requiring a comprehensive legislative reform at least in the areas of constitutional and civil law. Researchers reasonably point out that caution should be exercised when adopting the concept of an “electronic person”, given the difficulties of introducing new persons in legislation, as the expansion of the concept of “person” in the legal sense may potentially result in restrictions on the rights and legitimate interests of existing subjects of legal relations (Bryson et al., 2017). It seems impossible to consider these aspects since the legal capacity of natural persons, legal entities and public law entities is the result of centuries of evolution of the theory of state and law.

The second approach within the concept of gradient legal capacity is the legal concept of “electronic agents”, primarily related to the widespread use of AI systems as a means of communication between counterparties and as tools for online commerce. This approach can be called a compromise, as it admits the impossibility of granting the status of full-fledged legal subjects to AI systems while establishing certain (socially significant) rights and obligations for artificial intelligence. In other words, the concept of “electronic agents” legalizes the quasi-subjectivity of artificial intelligence. The term “quasi-legal subject” should be understood as a certain legal phenomenon in which certain elements of legal capacity are recognized at the official or doctrinal level, but the establishment of the status of a full-fledged legal subject is impossible.

Proponents of this approach emphasize the functional features of AI systems that allow them to act as both a passive tool and an active participant in legal relations, potentially capable of independently generating legally significant contracts for the system owner. Therefore, AI systems can be conditionally considered within the framework of agency relations. When creating (or registering) an AI system, the initiator of the “electronic agent” activity enters into a virtual unilateral agency agreement with it, as a result of which the “electronic agent” is granted a number of powers, exercising which it can perform legal actions that are significant for the principal.


  • R. McLay, “Managing the rise of Artificial Intelligence,” 2018
  • Bertolini A. and Episcopo F., 2022, “Robots and AI as Legal Subjects? Disentangling the Ontological and Functional Perspective”
  • Alekseev, A. Yu., Alekseeva, E. A., Emelyanova, N. N. (2023). “Artificial personality in social and political communication. Artificial societies”
  • “Specificities of Sanfilippo A syndrome laboratory diagnostics” N.S. Trofimova, N.V. Olkhovich, N.G. Gorovenko
  • Shutkin, S. I., 2020, “Is the Legal Capacity of Artificial Intelligence Possible? Works on Intellectual Property”
  • Ladenkov, N. Ye., 2021, “Models of granting legal capacity to artificial intelligence”
  • Bertolini, A., and Episcopo, F., 2021, “The Expert Group's Report on Liability for Artificial Intelligence and Other Emerging Digital Technologies: a Critical Assessment”
  • Morkhat, P. M., 2018, “On the question of the legal definition of the term artificial intelligence”

The post Artificial Intelligence and Legal Identity appeared first on Unite.AI.

AskEllyn Bridges the Support Gap for Breast Cancer Patients Through AI https://www.unite.ai/askellyn-bridges-the-support-gap-for-breast-cancer-patients-through-ai/ Fri, 27 Oct 2023 15:46:15 +0000 https://www.unite.ai/?p=191850

In a world increasingly reliant on technology, the realm of healthcare is witnessing an unparalleled fusion of innovation and compassion. Enter AskEllyn, a groundbreaking conversational AI tool specifically designed to cater to the multifaceted needs of those impacted by breast cancer. While numerous technological solutions exist, AskEllyn distinguishes itself by addressing not just the informational […]

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In a world increasingly reliant on technology, the realm of healthcare is witnessing an unparalleled fusion of innovation and compassion. Enter AskEllyn, a groundbreaking conversational AI tool specifically designed to cater to the multifaceted needs of those impacted by breast cancer. While numerous technological solutions exist, AskEllyn distinguishes itself by addressing not just the informational but also the emotional needs of its users.

At the heart of AskEllyn's capabilities is its robust multi-lingual support, ensuring that language barriers do not hinder access to crucial information and assistance. This ensures that regardless of one's linguistic background, the tool remains a reliable companion, ever-ready to provide guidance. Beyond mere language translation, AskEllyn is engineered to demonstrate genuine empathy, a trait often missing in digital solutions. It's not just about answering queries; it's about understanding the emotional undertones of those questions and responding with care.

Furthermore, in an era where accessibility can make all the difference, AskEllyn stands committed to being universally available. With a promise to remain free for all users, its mission is clear: to ensure that every individual, irrespective of their geographical location or economic status, has a supportive ally in their fight against breast cancer.

Technical Innovation Behind AskEllyn

In the digital age, the success of any tool hinges on the robustness of its technological backbone. AskEllyn is no exception, and its prowess as a conversational AI is built upon a foundation of cutting-edge innovation.

Central to AskEllyn's functionality is its linguistic versatility. Harnessing advanced natural language processing algorithms, the tool can comprehend and respond in a myriad of languages including, but not limited to, German, Italian, Spanish, Hindi, Persian, and Mandarin. This ensures that a vast segment of the global population can interact seamlessly with AskEllyn, making it truly universal in its outreach.

Beyond mere language capabilities, the AI's empathetic response system sets it apart. Drawing from a vast database of interactions and insights, AskEllyn is designed to pick up on emotional cues and nuances in user queries. The result is a response that feels genuine, understanding, and tailored to the individual's emotional state, replicating the genuine language and tone of a real-life supporter.

Gambit Technologies, a pioneer in AI solutions, played an instrumental role in shaping AskEllyn. Their expertise ensured that the underlying technology was not only state-of-the-art but also user-centric. A significant emphasis was placed on data privacy. AskEllyn operates with a strict no-registration policy, collecting no personal data, thereby ensuring users can seek support without any concerns about confidentiality. The user experience, too, was prioritized, with intuitive interfaces and real-time response mechanisms making interactions smooth and hassle-free.

In essence, the melding of Gambit Technologies' technical prowess with the vision for AskEllyn has resulted in a tool that is both technologically advanced and deeply human-centric.

Origins of AskEllyn

The inception of AskEllyn is as much about addressing a pressing need as it is about the synergy of inspired minds. While the tool stands as a beacon of technological advancement, its roots can be traced back to a very human narrative.

Ellyn Winters-Robinson's encounter with breast cancer led her to pen down her experiences, offering a raw and intimate look into the challenges faced by those diagnosed with the disease. Her book, “Flat Please Hold the Shame,” became more than just a personal account; it evolved into a source of inspiration for many, including Patrick Belliveau, the CEO and Co-Founder of VR Company Shift Reality.

A chance interaction at an Accelerator Centre event sparked a vision: What if the insights and emotions captured in Ellyn's book could be channeled into a digital platform, offering support and guidance to countless others? This idea laid the foundation for AskEllyn.

Gambit Technologies took on the challenge of transforming this vision into reality. Collaborating closely with Ellyn, the team at Gambit embarked on a journey to develop an AI tool that combined the nuances of human experience with the efficiency of advanced technology.

Feedback and Impact

As with any innovative solution, the true measure of AskEllyn's success lies in its reception by the community it aims to serve. Since its inception, AskEllyn has resonated deeply with its users, offering them a sense of understanding and companionship in their most vulnerable moments.

Ellyn Winters-Robinson emphasized the tool's potential, stating, “A cancer diagnosis is uncharted waters for all. In such times, AskEllyn serves as a trusted coach and confidante, providing a safe space for individuals to navigate their emotions and concerns.” Her sentiments echo the tool's commitment to being more than just an informational platform; it seeks to be a genuine pillar of support.

Jennie Dale, Co-founder and Executive Director of Dense Breasts Canada, shared her firsthand experience, noting the authenticity and empathy AskEllyn exudes. “It felt as though I was speaking to someone who genuinely understood,” she remarked, reflecting on the invaluable support such a tool would have offered during her own diagnosis.

Beyond individual testimonials, the broader impact of AskEllyn is evident in the overwhelming positive response from the community. Ryan Burgio, CEO of Gambit Technologies, shed light on this, expressing how the initial response from users has been deeply moving. He said, “Our partnership with Ellyn underscores the transformative potential of AI when channeled for genuine human benefit. AskEllyn stands as a testament to our unwavering commitment to the ethos of AI for Good.”

Such feedback not only validates the efforts behind AskEllyn but also reinforces its potential to be a game-changer in the landscape of patient support tools.

You can access AskEllyn here.

The post AskEllyn Bridges the Support Gap for Breast Cancer Patients Through AI appeared first on Unite.AI.

10 Best Sales Engagement Platforms (November 2023) https://www.unite.ai/best-sales-engagement-platforms/ Fri, 27 Oct 2023 02:35:23 +0000 https://www.unite.ai/?p=191845

In today's fast-paced and increasingly digital business environment, the art of engaging effectively with customers has evolved dramatically. Sales engagement platforms have emerged as vital tools for sales teams, offering sophisticated functionalities to enhance interactions, automate processes, and drive sales. These platforms are not just about managing contacts or tracking sales; they represent a holistic […]

The post 10 Best Sales Engagement Platforms (November 2023) appeared first on Unite.AI.


In today's fast-paced and increasingly digital business environment, the art of engaging effectively with customers has evolved dramatically. Sales engagement platforms have emerged as vital tools for sales teams, offering sophisticated functionalities to enhance interactions, automate processes, and drive sales. These platforms are not just about managing contacts or tracking sales; they represent a holistic approach to engaging with prospects and customers in a more personalized and efficient manner.

The effectiveness of a sales team is significantly heightened by the integration of such platforms, which streamline communication, provide valuable insights, and foster a more cohesive sales strategy. From email automation to advanced analytics, sales engagement platforms are redefining the way businesses interact with their potential and existing customers.

In this blog, we'll explore some of the best sales engagement platforms on the market. Each platform has been selected based on its unique features, ease of use, integration capabilities, and the value it brings to the sales process. Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, these tools are designed to meet a variety of needs and help you achieve your sales goals more effectively.

1. Buzz

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Buzz stands out as a pioneering sales engagement platform, uniquely positioned as both a software provider and an agency. It distinguishes itself through its comprehensive approach to multichannel outreach, seamlessly blending automation with expert strategy. The platform's core strength lies in its ability to automate cold outreach, utilizing a potent multichannel strategy tailored to place businesses directly in front of their ideal prospects.

The ease of use is a standout feature of Buzz. Clients can initiate message campaigns immediately upon signing up and integrating their accounts. The introduction of “New Magic Campaigns” transforms the planning and execution of complex outreach playbooks into a straightforward, time-efficient process. This innovative approach allows for rapid deployment of customized messaging strategies, ensuring that sales teams can connect with their prospects without delay.

Buzz's performance metrics are impressive, with clients experiencing an average response rate between 8% to 12%. When leveraging Buzz's Managed Services, this rate often exceeds the average, thanks to ongoing optimization efforts by their expert team. The impact on return on investment (ROI) is significant, with most annual clients achieving an ROI over 700%. This high success rate underscores Buzz's effectiveness in enhancing sales engagement and conversion.


  • Multichannel Outreach: Automates and optimizes outreach across various channels, ensuring maximum engagement.
  • Magic Campaigns: Rapid campaign setup with comprehensive playbooks and tailored messaging.
  • Managed Services: Expert-led campaign management and optimization for enhanced response rates.
  • Data Sourcing and Lead Management: Integrates data sourcing with lead management, facilitating targeted engagement.
  • Social Outreach: Streamlines social media activities with automation and increased response rates.

2. Zendesk Sell

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Zendesk, renowned for its innovative solutions, offers Zendesk Sell, a CRM platform that simplifies sales engagement. This tool excels in offering user-friendly features for effortless customer interactions across various channels, coupled with efficient data analysis and content management. Zendesk Sell is designed to help sales reps engage with the right prospects effectively, optimizing both approach and outcomes.

A key feature of Zendesk Sell is its AI-driven lead generation and management. This system quickly qualifies leads and directs them to the appropriate sales rep, maximizing the chances of engaging with potential customers early and effectively. This AI integration ensures that sales teams focus their efforts on the most promising leads.

Zendesk Sell is a cloud-based, mobile-friendly CRM platform suitable for both small and large businesses. Its scalability is a major advantage, allowing the platform to grow alongside your expanding customer base, ensuring it remains a viable solution as your business evolves.

Key Features:

  • Intuitive Sales CRM Dashboard: Streamlines customer relationship and sales activity management.
  • AI-Powered Lead Generation: Enhances lead qualification and distribution.
  • Sales Engagement Tools: Simplifies customer interactions across multiple channels.
  • Prospecting Tools: Efficient tools for identifying and engaging potential customers.
  • Workflow Automation and Analytics: Offers automated processes and insightful data analysis for improved sales strategies.

Zendesk Sell offers a blend of simplicity and advanced technology, making it a robust solution for businesses aiming to refine their sales engagement and customer relationship management.

3. Salesforce Sales Cloud

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Salesforce Sales Cloud stands out in the CRM landscape, offering a robust platform that streamlines and automates sales processes. This platform empowers sales teams to manage leads, opportunities, and customer interactions more effectively, facilitating quicker deal closures and increased revenue. At its core, Sales Cloud is about enhancing sales team efficiency and driving business growth through intelligent management of customer relationships.

Sales Cloud is designed to foster collaboration within sales teams, providing tools for sharing data, insights, and updates. This feature ensures that all team members are aligned and informed, enhancing teamwork and the decision-making process. Additionally, the platform’s sales forecasting tools offer valuable insights into future sales trends, aiding in strategic planning and resource allocation. Sales engagement tools further extend the platform's capabilities, enabling personalized outreach across various channels like email, social media, and phone.

Key to Sales Cloud's appeal is its ability to automate repetitive tasks, freeing up sales reps to focus on closing deals and nurturing customer relationships. The platform's mobile app enhances productivity by allowing sales reps to access and update customer data on the go, ensuring they remain responsive to customer needs wherever they are.

Key Features:

  • Account and Contact Management: Maintains comprehensive records of customer accounts and interactions.
  • Team Collaboration: Enhances team coordination and information sharing.
  • Sales Forecasting: Predictive tools for anticipating future sales and revenue.
  • Sales Analytics: Provides insights into performance and sales trends.
  • Sales Engagement: Tools for multi-channel customer engagement and personalization.

Salesforce Sales Cloud is a versatile and powerful CRM solution, ideal for businesses seeking to optimize their sales processes and enhance team performance, with the flexibility to cater to remote teams and businesses across multiple locations.

4. HubSpot Sales Hub

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HubSpot Sales Hub is a dynamic sales software solution designed to cater to businesses of all sizes, enhancing productivity and customer engagement. This platform is particularly adept at managing sales processes, offering an array of features that drive both efficiency and revenue growth.

At the heart of Sales Hub is its robust lead management and prospecting capabilities. The platform provides a personalized workspace with AI tools for crafting effective emails and CTAs, elevating the prospecting experience. Its email templates and tracking features are invaluable, allowing sales teams to optimize their communication strategies and follow up with leads at the most opportune moments.

Sales Hub's automation tools streamline the sales process, setting up personalized email sequences and follow-up tasks. This ensures consistent engagement with prospects throughout the sales cycle. Additionally, the platform's call tracking and comprehensive sales analytics offer deep insights, helping to refine strategies and improve outcomes. Stripe integration for payment processing on quotes created within HubSpot is another convenient feature.

Key Features:

  • Lead Management and Prospecting: AI-powered tools for efficient lead handling and engaging email drafting.
  • Email Templates and Tracking: Customizable templates and real-time email tracking for optimized communication.
  • Sales Automation: Automated email sequences and follow-up tasks for consistent engagement.
  • Call Tracking: Efficient call management and logging within the CRM.
  • Sales Analytics: Customizable reports for detailed insights into the sales pipeline.

HubSpot Sales Hub, with its integration capabilities and customizable features, stands out as a versatile choice for businesses looking to streamline their sales processes and foster growth.

5. Clearbit

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Clearbit emerges as a data-centric platform, offering an array of tools aimed at refining sales and marketing processes for businesses. This platform's strength lies in its ability to provide comprehensive data, enabling personalized and effective sales conversations, and in its identification of potential leads through innovative methods.

Clearbit's array of tools includes Enrichment, which delivers detailed data on leads and accounts, including firmographic and technographic information. This enrichment empowers businesses to connect with high-intent buyers and tailor sales conversations for better conversion rates. Another notable feature, Clearbit Reveal, identifies anonymous website visitors, turning them into potential leads by providing real-time data such as company name, industry, and location.

Further enhancing its offering, Clearbit provides a free Chrome extension, Clearbit Connect, to find verified email addresses directly within Gmail and Outlook. This integration streamlines the process of connecting with key contacts at target companies. Additionally, Clearbit Traffic Rank offers a unique metric to compare a company's website traffic against others, aiding in segmentation and targeting efforts.

Clearbit Capture, another valuable tool, focuses on lead capture on websites, auto-filling forms with data from Clearbit’s database to minimize form abandonment. Lastly, the Clearbit API grants access to various endpoints, like the Person API for email lookup or the Company API for company information, with support for Ruby, Node, and Python.

Key Features:

  • Clearbit Enrichment: Provides detailed data on leads for personalized sales engagement.
  • Clearbit Reveal: Identifies anonymous website visitors, turning them into actionable leads.
  • Clearbit Connect: A Chrome extension for finding verified email addresses within Gmail and Outlook.
  • Clearbit Traffic Rank: Offers a comparative metric for website traffic analysis.
  • Clearbit Capture and API: Facilitates lead capture and provides extensive API access for data integration.

Clearbit stands out as a versatile and user-friendly platform, perfectly suited for businesses looking to leverage data-driven strategies in their sales and marketing efforts.

6. Zoho SalesIQ

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Zoho SalesIQ emerges as a comprehensive customer engagement platform, well-suited for businesses aiming to elevate their sales, support, and marketing efforts. This platform focuses on efficiently engaging website visitors and customers, offering a suite of tools that are both versatile and user-friendly.

Central to SalesIQ's capabilities is its live chat feature, which allows real-time engagement with website visitors. This feature is customizable to align with brand aesthetics and includes functionalities like chat routing, canned responses, and chat transcripts, enhancing the customer interaction experience. Visitor tracking is another pivotal feature, providing real-time data on website visitors and helping businesses identify and convert anonymous visitors into leads.

The introduction of Zobot, a bot development platform within SalesIQ, marks a significant advancement in automating customer interactions. These bots can interact in natural language, respond based on business rules, and are deployable on both websites and mobile applications. Additionally, Zoho SalesIQ's Mobilisten, a live chat mobile SDK, extends the platform's capabilities to various mobile platforms, ensuring seamless customer engagement across different devices.

Key Features:

  • Live Chat: Real-time engagement with website visitors, complete with customization and advanced chat features.
  • Visitor Tracking: Tracks and provides detailed information on website visitors to identify potential leads.
  • Zobot: A bot development platform for automating interactions with natural language processing.
  • Mobile SDK (Mobilisten): Extends live chat and engagement features to mobile applications.
  • Integrations: Seamless integration with other Zoho services and popular external platforms.

Zoho SalesIQ stands out as an adaptable and efficient tool for businesses seeking to enhance their engagement with customers across websites and mobile applications.

7. Freshsales

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Freshsales stands out as a cloud-based CRM platform, tailored to streamline sales processes and enhance productivity for businesses. This platform is known for its adaptability, offering customization options that align with various business processes, and its ability to display critical data effectively.

One of the core strengths of Freshsales is its sales engagement tools, which enable businesses to connect with prospects and customers through multiple channels, such as email, phone, and SMS. The inclusion of sales automation tools facilitates the automation of sales actions and personalizes interactions, aiding in faster deal closures.

In terms of analytics, Freshsales provides visual reports offering action-oriented insights, including information on deals that may be at risk and an overview of upcoming activities. This ensures businesses stay on top of opportunities and maintain momentum in their sales processes.

The platform's context feature is significant, bringing together sales, support, and marketing teams around a unified view of customer data. It also enriches contact information with social and publicly listed data, offering a more comprehensive understanding of customers.

Additionally, Freshsales offers a mobile app, allowing sales reps to access and update customer data on the go, plan their day, and receive directions for visits. The platform's integration capabilities extend to various services, including Google Analytics, Shopify, Salesforce, and other Freshworks products like Freshdesk and Freshchat.

Key Features:

  • Customization: Tailors the CRM to specific business processes and data display needs.
  • Sales Engagement: Enables multi-channel engagement and automates sequences of sales actions.
  • Analytics: Offers visual reports and insights on potential deal risks and upcoming activities.
  • Context: Provides a shared view of customer data across internal teams and enriches contact information.
  • Mobile App: Facilitates on-the-go access to customer data and team collaboration.
  • Integrations: Compatible with a variety of services and Freshworks products.

Freshsales is a versatile and user-friendly CRM platform, ideal for businesses seeking effective sales management, comprehensive data insights, and customizable features to meet unique business needs.

8. Apollo.io

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Apollo.io stands as a prominent sales intelligence and engagement platform, offering features that streamline sales processes and enhance productivity. Its comprehensive database, with over 265 million verified contacts and 65+ filters, aids businesses in prioritizing high-quality leads. Apollo.io's scoring engine simplifies the process of identifying rich buyer data.

The platform's sales engagement capabilities allow businesses to interact with prospects and customers across email, phone, and LinkedIn. Its sales automation tools facilitate the automation of sales actions such as emails and calls, enabling personalized interactions for quicker deal closures.

Apollo.io also offers API access across various endpoints, including email lookup and company information, supporting multiple programming languages. The platform emphasizes security and compliance, adhering to GDPR standards and holding SOC 2 Type 1 and ISO 27001 certifications.

In addition, Apollo.io provides a mobile app for sales reps to access customer data, update records, and collaborate with team members on the move. This mobile functionality includes features like day planning and direction guidance for visits.

The platform integrates with various services, including Salesforce, HubSpot, and Marketo, and offers compatibility with other Apollo.io products, like the Apollo B2B Database and Apollo Intelligence Engine.

Key Features:

  • Sales Intelligence: Extensive database with advanced filtering for lead prioritization.
  • Sales Engagement: Multi-channel engagement and automation of sales actions.
  • API Access: Extensive API support for data lookup and integration.
  • Security & Compliance: Adherence to GDPR, SOC 2 Type 1, and ISO 27001 standards.
  • Mobile App: On-the-go customer data access and team collaboration.
  • Integrations: Compatibility with major services and other Apollo.io products.

Apollo.io is a versatile, easy-to-use platform, perfect for businesses seeking detailed lead data, efficient sales engagement, and customizable features to suit their unique needs.

9. ZoomInfo SalesOS

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ZoomInfo SalesOS, a comprehensive sales intelligence and engagement suite, is designed to cater to the diverse go-to-market needs of organizations. It stands out with its extensive database, boasting over 265 million verified contacts, enriched with 65+ filters such as buyer intent and job postings. This database is instrumental in helping businesses prioritize high-quality leads through an easy-to-use scoring engine.

The platform enhances sales engagement by enabling interactions across multiple channels, including email, phone, and LinkedIn. ZoomInfo SalesOS's sales automation tools are pivotal in automating sequences of sales actions and personalizing interactions, thereby expediting deal closures.

In terms of technical capabilities, ZoomInfo SalesOS offers broad API access, supporting various endpoints like Person API and Company API, available in Ruby, Node, and Python. The platform's commitment to security and compliance is evident in its adherence to GDPR standards and possession of SOC 2 Type 1 and ISO 27001 certifications.

The mobile app feature of ZoomInfo SalesOS facilitates on-the-go access to customer data, record updating, and team collaboration, along with features like day planning and notification checks.

ZoomInfo SalesOS integrates seamlessly with a range of services, including Salesforce, HubSpot, and Marketo. It also offers compatibility with other ZoomInfo products, like the B2B Database and Intelligence Engine.

Key Features:

  • Sales Intelligence: Extensive contact database with advanced lead prioritization filters.
  • Sales Engagement: Multi-channel engagement with sales automation tools.
  • API Access: Comprehensive API support for data lookup and integration.
  • Security & Compliance: GDPR compliance and key security certifications.
  • Mobile App: Facilitates mobile access and collaboration.
  • Integrations: Compatibility with major CRM services and ZoomInfo products.

ZoomInfo SalesOS is an adaptable, user-friendly platform, ideal for businesses seeking detailed lead insights, efficient sales engagement, and customizable solutions to fit their unique go-to-market strategies.

10. Salesloft

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Salesloft emerges as a dynamic sales engagement platform, equipped with a variety of features aimed at optimizing sales processes and enhancing productivity. Central to its offerings is a comprehensive database containing over 265 million verified contacts, complete with 65+ filters like buyer intent and job postings. This database is instrumental in providing rich buyer data, enabling businesses to focus on high-quality leads.

The platform's sales engagement feature facilitates interactions across various channels, including email, phone, and LinkedIn. Salesloft’s sales automation tools are particularly effective in automating sequences of sales actions and personalizing interactions, which can accelerate the deal-closing process.

Customization is a key aspect of Salesloft, allowing businesses to tailor the platform to their specific needs. This flexibility ensures that different sales teams can optimize the platform according to their unique requirements.

In terms of analytics, Salesloft offers visual reports and insights, highlighting potential issues like rotting deals and providing an overview of upcoming activities. This helps businesses stay ahead of opportunities and avoid missing out.

Salesloft integrates seamlessly with a variety of services, including Salesforce, HubSpot, and Marketo, and also offers integration with its own products like Salesloft Mobile and Salesloft Connect.

Key Features:

  • Sales Intelligence: Extensive contact database with advanced filtering.
  • Sales Engagement: Multi-channel engagement with robust sales automation tools.
  • Customization: Adaptable features to fit specific sales team needs.
  • Analytics: Provides visual reports and insights for proactive sales management.
  • Integrations: Compatibility with major CRM platforms and Salesloft products.

Salesloft stands out as a user-friendly, customizable platform, ideal for businesses looking to streamline their sales processes, effectively engage with prospects and customers, and enhance overall sales productivity.

Elevating Sales Engagement with Cutting-Edge Platforms

The evolution of sales engagement platforms has revolutionized the way businesses approach sales processes and productivity.

These tools not only simplify sales tasks but also provide valuable insights, automate key processes, and foster better customer relationships through personalized engagement. Integration capabilities with other systems, security compliance, and mobile accessibility further enhance their appeal.

Adopting any of these platforms can be a game-changer for businesses striving to optimize their sales processes, increase productivity, and ultimately drive growth in a competitive market. The right sales engagement platform can be the cornerstone of a successful sales strategy, offering the tools and insights necessary to thrive in today's dynamic business environment.

The post 10 Best Sales Engagement Platforms (November 2023) appeared first on Unite.AI.
